
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Shmuel's Bridge: Following the Tracks to Auschwitz with My Survivor Father by Jason Sommer

  Jay is ninety eight years old and extremely accomplished. He speaks ten languages,  taught gymnastics and dance. He was awarded New York's teacher of the year and the national teacher of the year . Jay was also a Holocaust survivor. He told Jason, his son, many memories of his horrific experience. The memories were getting harder for Jay to recall and so Jason decided they needed to visit the places in his memories.

  You are going to love this book. It tells you and takes you to some of the most horrific places. It's very well written and should be in your must read pile. You will experience the Holocaust first hand in this book. Mr. Sommer's tells the story in such clear and haunting terms you'll feel like you are there. I love that Jay and his son went back to the places he spent time in. As Mr. Sommers relives those memories you get a first hand "look" at Auschwitz.

   I did find one issue. The book's title is about Jay's brother yet he isn't mentioned much at all. I feel to be true to the title, prying the information about Shmuel from family members memories.

 I gave this one 5 cheers because I enjoyed the book so much. You will as well so get your copy today.

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