Trapped in his home for 8 days, Michael Matthew Nelson, 16, wondered if his parents would ever come home. Zombies had begun to attack the city and so far his parents hadn't made it home. Scared, but knowing he had to do something, Michael takes a truck and sets out for his grandparents home. He knew that would be the best place for him.
Abby, an orphan who was headed to a new foster home ends up connecting with a rag tag group of men. She saw first hand the terror and destruction the zombies were creating. The group of men she was traveling with were protecting her until slowly, the group began falling apart. Abby finds an empty house and decides to stay there for safety.
Michael also finds the same house about a day later. He and his neighbor's dog decide to make it home. Michael and Abby meet and together they begin an adventure of survival no 16 year old should ever have to face.
Bruce Clothier drops us in the center of the worst war humans could ever fight. A time when survival is the most important thing and trusting anyone can be dangerous. This zombie story tells us how it would really be if we ended up in the Zombie Apocalypse. Not just blood and gore, this story delicately but firmly describes the balance of love, survival and the change in humans when loved ones are at risk. These characters are the most identifiable I've ever encountered in a Zombie book. This one you have got to read!!
I found no issues in this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it showed a side of the Zombie Apocalypse many ignore. The very human side.
I review all genres and I post them in 30 spots. Check out previous posts and I'm sure you'll find several books to catch your interest. I am a published reviewer and an award winning one. I am one of the best reviewers around. CELEBRATING 14 YEARS OF BOOK REVIEWS!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Wanderer by Pippa Dee
Centuries ago a dangerous group brought death to the tribes. The Wanderers were that group. The Guardians fought them whenever necessary. The Guardians defeated all but one. One Wanderer and one Guardian to watch over that Wanderer. They were put to sleep, in a manner of speaking. Who would have guessed centuries later that Wanderer would be let loose in the cyber world? Sasha, an unknowing young girl, opened the file the Wanderer was in and so it began again after all this time. The Wanderer was making Sasha sick and then she sent the file to her friend Andy and it made him sick. No one knew what to do.
The legacy was passed down for generations to the eldest woman of the family. She had to be surrounded by children. Georgia Brown was that woman. She was anxious to get started on her part of the legacy. When she finally figured out who the chosen one was, she thought it might be to late.
A mix of old and new make this book an interesting one for sure. Peeking back at how it began and then looking ahead to see where it's headed keeps this book moving along at a more fluid pace. The characters are well developed and easy to identify with. I recommend this book to everyone but especially to those who have an interest in old tribal legends. I found this fascinating book an easy read and one I'd read again. Get this one on that TBR pile today!
I found no issues in this one.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because while I would read it again, some of the "old"parts can be difficult to follow.
The legacy was passed down for generations to the eldest woman of the family. She had to be surrounded by children. Georgia Brown was that woman. She was anxious to get started on her part of the legacy. When she finally figured out who the chosen one was, she thought it might be to late.
A mix of old and new make this book an interesting one for sure. Peeking back at how it began and then looking ahead to see where it's headed keeps this book moving along at a more fluid pace. The characters are well developed and easy to identify with. I recommend this book to everyone but especially to those who have an interest in old tribal legends. I found this fascinating book an easy read and one I'd read again. Get this one on that TBR pile today!
I found no issues in this one.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because while I would read it again, some of the "old"parts can be difficult to follow.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Double Trouble by Constance Masters
Becky has begun to learn her lesson, still she and her best friend Kendall can still get into trouble. Kendall met and will now marry Ryan's friend Mike. They can't wait! Everyone is preparing for that day and of course that means a bachelor party. Mike decided to use his bachelor party to relax and fish with his buddies. Kendall and Becky, they've chosen something a bit more flashy. Kendall now knows all about Becky's rules and gets the feeling she may be in for more than she bargained for with Mike. When the girls night out ends very badly, Becky and Kendall try to fix everything themselves. Ryan and Mike sense something is wrong and leave the lake earlier than originally planned to find out what. They just want the girls to be safe. The guys know though, when Becky and Kendall get together, anything can happen.
Constance Masters did a fantastic job of tying Double Trouble and Becky's Last Chance together. The characters don't lose any punch and the story is just as well written as the first. This book is again another one for the adult library! Keep it handy on those nights when you need an extra hot session. Becky may be married in this second book, but don't let that fool you. She's still got lessons to learn! Check this out.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it flawlessly added right on to Becky's Last Chance.
Constance Masters did a fantastic job of tying Double Trouble and Becky's Last Chance together. The characters don't lose any punch and the story is just as well written as the first. This book is again another one for the adult library! Keep it handy on those nights when you need an extra hot session. Becky may be married in this second book, but don't let that fool you. She's still got lessons to learn! Check this out.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it flawlessly added right on to Becky's Last Chance.
Becky's Last Chance by Constance Masters
Becky's principal is at her wits end. She's give Becky every possible punishment she can but Becky keeps on causing trouble. With no other choice, Principal Tracy send a note home to her father for him to sign. Becky knows this is it. If she can't convince her Dad to back her, not the Principal, she's in deep. Geoff, Becky's Dad, knows he's been too lenient with his daughter over the years. She lost her mother when she was six and so he just wanted to give her everything. In the process, Geoff spoiled Becky so badly he had no choice but to find a girls boarding school for her to finish high school. Becky is furious and refuses to speak to her father after he sends her away.
Now Becky's graduating and Geoff's life has changed. He needs to make some changes and Ryan, a young man who works for him, is part of those changes. At first Ryan isn't sure about it all, then Becky comes home in a fury. It might just take everything he has to keep Becky in line.
A tasteful, yet seductive read with just enough kink to start fires blazing! Constance Masters has given us a book many will enjoy over and over. The characters are well fleshed out and the story extremely well written and thought out. Everyone can use an extra helping of heat in the bedroom and this book offers more than a generous helping of that. It's one to keep in the adult library for you and your significant other. You'll enjoy this one together or separately.
I didn't find any issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 stars because it was so tastefully done.
Now Becky's graduating and Geoff's life has changed. He needs to make some changes and Ryan, a young man who works for him, is part of those changes. At first Ryan isn't sure about it all, then Becky comes home in a fury. It might just take everything he has to keep Becky in line.
A tasteful, yet seductive read with just enough kink to start fires blazing! Constance Masters has given us a book many will enjoy over and over. The characters are well fleshed out and the story extremely well written and thought out. Everyone can use an extra helping of heat in the bedroom and this book offers more than a generous helping of that. It's one to keep in the adult library for you and your significant other. You'll enjoy this one together or separately.
I didn't find any issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 stars because it was so tastefully done.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Tukie Tales: I Can Do It by Debbie Burns & Patty Cockrell
Daddy Beaver is teaching Cody how to build a dam. He shows him how to cut the logs he uses and where to place them. Cody follows along so carefully and then attempts to build his own dam. It isn't holding back the water. Frustrated, Cody decides to try again. His second attempt leaks. He's ready to give up when the Tukie's arrive. They have him wish on a special wishing rock. Cody gets back to work and tries to build his dam again.
What a wonderful group of books for young ones. The messages are so clearly presented and the characters are extremely lovable. I adore the writing and the idea we can teach children morals, values and lessons through books. This one is especially important because young ones get easily frustrated when things begin to fall apart. Teaching them to keep trying and do your best is a wonderful thing! I highly recommend you get these books for the young ones in your life.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because they present the messages so clearly with lovely illustrations.
What a wonderful group of books for young ones. The messages are so clearly presented and the characters are extremely lovable. I adore the writing and the idea we can teach children morals, values and lessons through books. This one is especially important because young ones get easily frustrated when things begin to fall apart. Teaching them to keep trying and do your best is a wonderful thing! I highly recommend you get these books for the young ones in your life.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because they present the messages so clearly with lovely illustrations.
Hell's Fury by P.D. Martin
Jane Calloway was held prisoner for seven months by Afghanistan rebels. She was tortured in every way humanly possible and some ways that weren't. Jane is convinced The Company has left her for dead. Furious, scared and ready for revenge. One day Jane is rescued. She thinks at first it must be The Company but soon finds it isn't. The group rescuing her is similar to The Company but they go about things in a whole different manner. Rod Decker is part of an elite group of ex-members of the intelligence and justice communities. The Committee, the group he works for, are more organized and committed to helping their operatives reach their goals. They recruit Jane after her rescue. Jane decides working for the committee might not be so bad, for at least one job. Once she starts to work on that job though, she's like a storm from hell unleashed on the dregs of society. Jane's flashbacks remind her that men like these deserve whatever they get. With the help of her handler, Wilton, she'll have an easier time completing her job.
An adrenaline pumping novel, this book will make you wonder at what our military POW's go through. P.D. Martin did an incredible job with making the story seem so real. The characters are well developed and easy to follow. A book like this will keep you glued to your seat and your heart pounding out of your chest. I recommend this book highly. I'm not one for all the military stuff in books, but I really enjoyed this woman's story. P.D. Martin created a brave, fearless woman and some really top-notch men working with her. Add this one to your TBR pile if you haven't already.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it swept me away like a tornado.
An adrenaline pumping novel, this book will make you wonder at what our military POW's go through. P.D. Martin did an incredible job with making the story seem so real. The characters are well developed and easy to follow. A book like this will keep you glued to your seat and your heart pounding out of your chest. I recommend this book highly. I'm not one for all the military stuff in books, but I really enjoyed this woman's story. P.D. Martin created a brave, fearless woman and some really top-notch men working with her. Add this one to your TBR pile if you haven't already.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it swept me away like a tornado.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Cassie and The Wild Cat Meet and Greet by Pat Hatt
Cassie loves her human and the home they share. She is the most content cat. Then her human brings home another cat. Cassie doesn't like the cat or the idea of sharing her human. The new cat thinks he's so cool and Cassie wants him gone.
This story about a cat learning to share her human and her home with another is wonderful. No matter what she tries, Cassie just can't get this cat to leave. It's perfect for the brother or sister with a new sibling. Love the lesson here.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because the lesson of sharing is so important.
This story about a cat learning to share her human and her home with another is wonderful. No matter what she tries, Cassie just can't get this cat to leave. It's perfect for the brother or sister with a new sibling. Love the lesson here.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because the lesson of sharing is so important.
The Swashbuckle Chuckle by Pat Hatt
Frown Clown and his pirates sneak into the village of Leaping Laughs and steal their fountain! The fountain is solid gold. One Shoe Kangaroo decides to go after them and get the fountain back. Can he find out why Frown Clown took the fountain? It might take a little magic.
A cute story where there is more going on than meets the eye. Characters that are fun and names you wouldn't expect make this a fun read for the younger kids. I recommend this book.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because while it was cute, it rambled.
A cute story where there is more going on than meets the eye. Characters that are fun and names you wouldn't expect make this a fun read for the younger kids. I recommend this book.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because while it was cute, it rambled.
Gawk of the Mohawk by Pat Hatt
Grutty is a Cyclops. He's one of the clan who rule the Cyclone Sky. He's different though. The others try to ignore him as much as possible. One day the Wacky Wizard sneaks into the clan's area and sends Grutty away. With some help, Grutty saves the clan.
This book is one for those aged 7-9, at least in my opinion. The story is good but the illustrations are extremely amateur.
I found issues with this one. It isn't a story that makes a lot of sense and young ones might not enjoy the illustrations. I believe this one went to far in the wrong direction.
I gave this one 2 out of 5 books because it went nowhere.
This book is one for those aged 7-9, at least in my opinion. The story is good but the illustrations are extremely amateur.
I found issues with this one. It isn't a story that makes a lot of sense and young ones might not enjoy the illustrations. I believe this one went to far in the wrong direction.
I gave this one 2 out of 5 books because it went nowhere.
Boo and The Backyard Zoo by Pat Hatt
Boo is a happy ghost who lives in the front yard. His friend Grape Face wants to be an astronaut. Nugget, who thinks he rules the front yard, has other ideas. When Boo gets sent to the scary backyard, things change.
A wonderful story perfect for this time of year. No it isn't scary but it does teach children not to judge others by rumors. It also sends the message of working together to meet a goal. Kids will love this little ghost and want only the best for him. The writing is good and has just the right approach for little ones. I recommend this book.
The only issue I found is that some of the words might be above the little kids heads and need explaining.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because it's perfect for Halloween and the little kids.
A wonderful story perfect for this time of year. No it isn't scary but it does teach children not to judge others by rumors. It also sends the message of working together to meet a goal. Kids will love this little ghost and want only the best for him. The writing is good and has just the right approach for little ones. I recommend this book.
The only issue I found is that some of the words might be above the little kids heads and need explaining.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because it's perfect for Halloween and the little kids.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Little Buggies: A Rhyming Guessing Book for Little Ones by Cindy Bracken
This book starts with a wonderful rhyming story to keep little ones attention. Then it adds a guessing game everyone enjoys. Teaching little ones the early skills of reading and taking in the whole picture.
Absolutely adorable and so much fun, your littles will love this book for years to come. Showing the littles the different kinds of bugs will have them exploring outside whenever they get the chance. I love this one. There can never be enough fun books for babies and littles to have. It gives them a great start on being good readers. Cindy Bracken included everything littles enjoy in a book!
I didn't find issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it encompasses all the things an enjoyable and teaching book should.
Absolutely adorable and so much fun, your littles will love this book for years to come. Showing the littles the different kinds of bugs will have them exploring outside whenever they get the chance. I love this one. There can never be enough fun books for babies and littles to have. It gives them a great start on being good readers. Cindy Bracken included everything littles enjoy in a book!
I didn't find issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it encompasses all the things an enjoyable and teaching book should.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
American Goddesses by Gary R. Henry
Dr. Susan Tzin-Zin is the head of the University's Immunology Research Department. She is trying to find a way to obtain mental control over our bodies and the physical environment. The amazing thing is... she achieved this goal. Her test subjects, Megan Harris, 48 and Patricia Reilly, 22 are now invincible. They can work with the local fire and police to take care of really bad situations. They are both adjusting to their new status when "The Agency" takes notice. The Agency planned pranks for money that affected millions of lives. Their newest one involved the Goddesses. After going through some horrible things in their personal lives, the women begin to settle into their new roles. The Agency chooses this time to strike. They make use of a Russian woman who was a test subject on a similar matter. Things really begin to go sour for the Goddesses. Just like all new weapons, someone will want it for evil. Will they be able to rise above the challenges they've been through and continue their good works? Only with the help of a few friends.Mind-blowing, action filled and on par with some of the greatest movies of all times. This book will keep you turning pages until the end. I literally read this one in about 2 hrs and then re-read it 3 more times. I love the characters! They are so well developed and you could see them in any town USA. The story flows in such a way you'll never find a slow spot or a lull in the action. Gary R. Henry put together a story perfect for the movies. I can visualize the colorful clothing and the special effects. WOW! I've never had such a clear picture of heroines who make you wish they were real. GET THIS BOOK!
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books. Wonder Woman eat your heart out! There are new Goddesses in town!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The Tree of Everlasting Knowledge by Christine Nolfi
The Fagan Orchard has always been the central figure in Lincoln, Ohio. Families have for generations worked at the orchard. Along with the orchard came The Great Oak. Many thought it to be the oldest tree in Ohio. Some wonderful events took place under The Great Oak and some not so wonderful events took place there too. The town is small and everyone knows everyone there. It wasn't a surprise when Ourania showed up at construction of the new wing on the Fagan mansion. Ourania was the only female electrical company in the area. She needed this job to decrease the debt of her company. Troy Fagan was not a fan of Ourania's. They'd fought since grade school. Except for one night beneath The Great Oak. Ourania's mother, the director of the Jobs & Family office, insisted all of her children become foster parents at the age of 30. That's how Walt and Emma came into her life. She was their foster mother. Events from the past would tie with present day events to wind the roots of The Great Oak tree through several families lives. A startling surprise makes the earth shake for Troy and Ourania. This was something neither could have foreseen.
This book is wonderfully written and speaks directly to the heart. If you can read this and not cry or feel anger, you aren't human. The characters are full and richly developed. I recommend this story of love, loss, hurt and forgiveness. This book takes you through the lives of three families and the twists and turns that occurs over two generations. It's beautiful, heartbreaking and such a terrific message. Christine Nolfi knows how to sensitively present information and blend a story so tenderly you don't realize you're still reading a work of fiction.
I found no issues here.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because the story touch my heart in so many ways.
This book is wonderfully written and speaks directly to the heart. If you can read this and not cry or feel anger, you aren't human. The characters are full and richly developed. I recommend this story of love, loss, hurt and forgiveness. This book takes you through the lives of three families and the twists and turns that occurs over two generations. It's beautiful, heartbreaking and such a terrific message. Christine Nolfi knows how to sensitively present information and blend a story so tenderly you don't realize you're still reading a work of fiction.
I found no issues here.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because the story touch my heart in so many ways.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Welch’s Sparkling Juice “Spooktacular” Giveaway (ends 10/23/12)

Their sparking fruit juice is available in White Grape, Red Grape, Cranberry and Blueberry Grape. Mmmm! I really want to try Blueberry Grape. I also think that the Cranberry would be the perfect addition to a Thanksgiving dinner or holiday dinner. I’m going to be on the look out for those flavors and have them handy for the holidays. Not everyone drinks, so having sparking juice on hand is a great way to make people feel included in the celebration. It’s also great for designated drinkers who can’t drink.
I would never think to use sparkling fruit to celebrate Halloween. It’s actually not a bad idea.
Welch’s has a fun recipe that I can’t wait to make this Halloween. Not only does it sound good it looks creepy too.
For this recipe you’ll need the following;
2 bottle of Welch’s Sparkling Juice (any flavor)
1 bottle of your favorite Welch’s Fruit Juice (any flavor)
Food Coloring (optional)
Add all the juices into a punch bowl. You can add food coloring to give it a creepy look if you want.
For added Halloween rinse out a surgical glove, fill it with water and pop it in the freezer. When it’s turned to ice you can peel off the glove and put the hand shaped ice into the punch bowl with your Welch’s juices. If you can’t get a surgical glove look for other creepy molds (I’ve seen brain molds for geletins) and use that instead. Let your imagination go wild!
If you want to add a bit more of a “gross factor” to it drop in some peeled grapes (“eye balls”) and gummy worms or insects. The kids will love that!
For more information about Welch’s products visit You can also “Like” their Facebook Page and/or follow them on Twitter.
Welch’s would like to give a lucky reader a fun Halloween prize package. The prize includes:
(1) bottle of sparkling in a custom Welch’s Sparkling box
(3) VIP coupons for FREE bottles of Welch’s
Other fun Halloween related recipes & goodies
Thanks Welch’s!
This giveaway is open to US residents only and will end on October 23, 2012 at 12:01 AM (EST). The winner will be chosen at random using a random number generator from all eligible entries. The winner will be notified via e-mail and have three days to reply or a new winner will be chosen in thier place.
To enter please leave a comment on this post and tell me which flavor of Welch’s Sparkling Juice would you most like to try.
For extra entries you can use the Rafflecopter widget (below) but you must complete the initial entry requirement or the additional entries won’t qualify.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Better off Dead by Matthew Rowe
Mummy's, vampires, werewolves and dragons are all part of the war between Khalid and Lucian. Two powerful men both of whom want control of Londinium. This war takes place far into the future when supernaturals are common place and humans are the minority. Khalid enlists the help of a rag tag bunch of misfits to further his hold on Londinium. Ramses, P-Head, Gimpy and Kenempti work together, not always well, to push back Lucian and his warriors. Finding themselves in several bad situations, they must learn to work together before they can be of any help in the war. They each have their own agenda in helping Khalid but somehow together this group does the impossible.
Quirky, humorous and wonderful, this book will keep you entertained for quite some time. Each character is well developed and certainly worthy of a book of their own. I loved the humor mixed with the outright silliness in this one. I recommend it to everyone, not just those who enjoy supernaturals. Everyone will take away an enjoyable experience. The story is well thought out and written in a way that makes it easy to follow. Get this book.
I didn't find any issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because you rarely see humor mixed with supernaturals.
Quirky, humorous and wonderful, this book will keep you entertained for quite some time. Each character is well developed and certainly worthy of a book of their own. I loved the humor mixed with the outright silliness in this one. I recommend it to everyone, not just those who enjoy supernaturals. Everyone will take away an enjoyable experience. The story is well thought out and written in a way that makes it easy to follow. Get this book.
I didn't find any issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because you rarely see humor mixed with supernaturals.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Once; Ask Me Anything, Not Love by Mian Mohsin Zia
An author who is very successful with his career but has not found love. He really hasn't given it much thought until he goes away on holiday. Once he's in the Ukraine and enjoying himself, he meets a woman who could possibly change his life. She could be his love. Things don't always go smoothly in the world of love though and in the author's case it doesn't fair any better. Can he win this woman's love and share life with her as he wants to do? It might take some time to find her first.
This book has a bit of everything in it. Poetry, Prayers and a story. The author is very brave to use first person in a book like this. It can take one of two paths. It can be excellent and enjoyable or it can be boring and bland. I'm sorry to say this book followed the second path.
I did find issues with this book. It has no emotion, no feeling. The words are written in a plastic way. It's as though you are reading Mian's diary instead of a book full of love. I found it strange that he would include the moments when he intruded on the private affairs of others. Cultural differences aside, it's just plain bad taste to attend a wedding and a funeral of people you don't know. You weren't invited yet you stay and act as though you belong with these families. This book is self absorbed and in no way holds the readers attention. I would not recommend this book at all.
I gave this book 1 out of 5 books because it wasn't a book. It was a collection of thoughts on paper.
This book has a bit of everything in it. Poetry, Prayers and a story. The author is very brave to use first person in a book like this. It can take one of two paths. It can be excellent and enjoyable or it can be boring and bland. I'm sorry to say this book followed the second path.
I did find issues with this book. It has no emotion, no feeling. The words are written in a plastic way. It's as though you are reading Mian's diary instead of a book full of love. I found it strange that he would include the moments when he intruded on the private affairs of others. Cultural differences aside, it's just plain bad taste to attend a wedding and a funeral of people you don't know. You weren't invited yet you stay and act as though you belong with these families. This book is self absorbed and in no way holds the readers attention. I would not recommend this book at all.
I gave this book 1 out of 5 books because it wasn't a book. It was a collection of thoughts on paper.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I ADORE my author friends BUT.....
HI All!
I'm writing this memo because I can't seem to make writers understand one simple little thing. Reviewers haven't said much about it and maybe I'm a nag because I am speaking up, but I need to. When you send an ebook for review if the file name has numbers and letters or some code only you understand, it's nearly impossible for a busy reviewer to find it when it's your turn for the review.
I have a HUGE volume of reviews to do so maybe it bothers me more than it does others, but when you send me a file and it's all numbers and letters, chances are slim I'll ever remember what numbers and letters were yours. I've tried and had others more competent than I try, to rename the file but it doesn't work. It always reverts back to the numbers and letters. I have over 100 with numbers and letters I have to sort through to find the right book when I'm moving down the review list. It slows down the process even more when I spend an hour or more searching for your book.
PLEASE label the file with your book's title or your name. Either will work. THANK YOU for your patience and your attention to this matter.
Yes I am really really far behind on reviews. I've had 2 surgeries recently, I've got an upper respiratory infection accompanying the flu and an array of other illnesses I won't bore you with. I read as much as I possibly can and as fast as I can in light of the above issues. Please know I will finish each review though it may take longer than first expected. IF you'd choose to have someone else review it and not me, that's fine, just tell me so and I'll delete your book from my files. Thank you for your patience with me!
Melanie Adkins
I'm writing this memo because I can't seem to make writers understand one simple little thing. Reviewers haven't said much about it and maybe I'm a nag because I am speaking up, but I need to. When you send an ebook for review if the file name has numbers and letters or some code only you understand, it's nearly impossible for a busy reviewer to find it when it's your turn for the review.
I have a HUGE volume of reviews to do so maybe it bothers me more than it does others, but when you send me a file and it's all numbers and letters, chances are slim I'll ever remember what numbers and letters were yours. I've tried and had others more competent than I try, to rename the file but it doesn't work. It always reverts back to the numbers and letters. I have over 100 with numbers and letters I have to sort through to find the right book when I'm moving down the review list. It slows down the process even more when I spend an hour or more searching for your book.
PLEASE label the file with your book's title or your name. Either will work. THANK YOU for your patience and your attention to this matter.
Yes I am really really far behind on reviews. I've had 2 surgeries recently, I've got an upper respiratory infection accompanying the flu and an array of other illnesses I won't bore you with. I read as much as I possibly can and as fast as I can in light of the above issues. Please know I will finish each review though it may take longer than first expected. IF you'd choose to have someone else review it and not me, that's fine, just tell me so and I'll delete your book from my files. Thank you for your patience with me!
Melanie Adkins
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