This is the true story of one medevac team and their work in Afghanistan. They work near the area known as the Valley of Death. It was Dustoff 7-3's job to get the injured soldiers back to the base. After they were checked and treated, the soldiers then went to the hospital. Each team worked with precision timing. The crew consisted of four soldiers and they went about their work quickly and quietly. The area was known for all of the action it saw. The story is real and raw.
First, let me address the author's statement,"I am not a hero." He's right. they are not heroes, they are angels with nerves of steel. I felt as if I was right there beside Mr. Sabiston as they raced from one injured soldier to another. Mr. Sabiston grabs you from the first page and I was yelling for more of the story. Solid writing and making sure it's in-your-face, Mr. Sabiston does a fantastic job of pulling back the curtain and giving us a REAL peek inside. Having this book on your shelf will show others just how informed you really are. Get this one and some tissues because you are going to need them. This book was eye-opening for me. I had no idea the soldiers were working under such conditions.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it gave real a chance to see the inner workings.
MEET: Erik Sabiston
Erik Sabiston grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia before winding up living off the grid in the redwoods of Northern California. Naturally restless, he moved from one job to another working as a door-to-door salesman, music teacher and even a butcher when he eventually found his calling as a Soldier. He led his helicopter crew during a series of miraculous rescues on one of the most dangerous operations in the history of the war in Afghanistan.
Erik also speaks nationwide at conferences, schools and events, inspiring audiences to harness the power of faith and teamwork to push themselves beyond their own limits, survive the unthinkable and acheive the impossible.
He currently teaches the next generation of aviators to fly and fight the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. Home is wherever the Army sends he and his wife Tess... who still teases him about his fear of heights.