Avalon has returned to her hometown looking for her family. She is very concerned about them because of her sister's inability to flame as a Fire Mage should. Avalon never expects to find what she and Jack run into. The town has been ravaged by The Realm. They are taking families who are hiding humans. With some secreted coins her mother hid in the house, Avalon and her friend Jack decide to head to The Realm HQ and find her family. Along the way, they will run into many more situations The Realm has caused. They will be tested by many obstacles. The question is, can they find her family alive and well AND remain friends? Hard work and a deep faith in each other keep them going. Avalon's personal feelings are tested deeply when a beauty seems to beguile Jack. He seems to be a totally different man with her, disregarding Avalon altogether. Jack's heart and feelings are tested when he comes face to face with his long lost father. It requires strength neither thought they had to make it through it all and save her family. It also might be the beginning of another chapter for them.
OMG! What can I say! This second book in the trilogy takes off on wings and never sets you back down until the end. Even the end leaves you panting for the next installment of this series. The story is fantastic! Filled with action, passion and heart. The characters are more defined in this second book so that if you didn't already love them (and I did) you will now. You can't help but get caught up in this book. It feels as though you have to yell at the characters at times because you are certain they don't see what's coming. *grin* I recommend this book, this series and this author! You will not be disappointed. It has a touch of The Wizard of Oz, Cinderella and the best action movies. Get yours today!
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it was a whirlwind from beginning to end and I loved it!
I review all genres and I post them in 30 spots. Check out previous posts and I'm sure you'll find several books to catch your interest. I am a published reviewer and an award winning one. I am one of the best reviewers around. CELEBRATING 14 YEARS OF BOOK REVIEWS!!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
***About reviews***
I am not someone who gives in easily but I find for now I must. Until I get caught up some on reviews, I am no longer taking any new reviews on. I deeply apologize to the authors whose books I have on my list now for taking so long. I further apologize to those who had scheduled dates that I failed to meet. Please bear with me while I catch up, then I can once again take on reviews. Thank you!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Chop Shop by Gary Morton
This book is a first person story in segments. It explores every day events in the person's life and his way of viewing those events. Written more like poetry than a novel, this book explains why the first person doesn't believe in happily-ever-after. It delves deep into feelings that are not talked about. Take time to really read this one and listen to what the author is saying. I think you'll agree with some of it.
Not a depressing book, but very close. The cover is a bit misleading in that it's not really a horror story. This book is more poetry and bare bones common sense. The author gives us the unvarnished look deep into the minds of every day people. Discussing those thoughts no one likes to admit they may have had at one time, but they are there. The writing is good and this one will appeal to those who enjoy books that are way out of the box. It's interesting and completely different than anything you've ever read before.
I did find issues. I feel as though the book jumped around tremendously and changed topics as frequently as a bird's wings flap. There was no consistency in numbering or naming of chapters which leads me to believe this book is pieces of other works by the author thrown into one book.
I gave this book a 3 because while I applaud the writing, it just wasn't my cup of tea.
Not a depressing book, but very close. The cover is a bit misleading in that it's not really a horror story. This book is more poetry and bare bones common sense. The author gives us the unvarnished look deep into the minds of every day people. Discussing those thoughts no one likes to admit they may have had at one time, but they are there. The writing is good and this one will appeal to those who enjoy books that are way out of the box. It's interesting and completely different than anything you've ever read before.
I did find issues. I feel as though the book jumped around tremendously and changed topics as frequently as a bird's wings flap. There was no consistency in numbering or naming of chapters which leads me to believe this book is pieces of other works by the author thrown into one book.
I gave this book a 3 because while I applaud the writing, it just wasn't my cup of tea.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Coming Soon!! The Super Spies and the High School Bomber by Lisa Orchard
Hello Everyone! I hope all is well with you! I’m stopping by today to let everyone know that the second book in the Super Spies series is available today! To celebrate my new release the first book “The Super Spies and the Cat Lady Killer” is on sale now for $.99!! Check it out! (Look below)
Hello Everyone! I hope all is well with you! I’m stopping by today to let everyone know that the second book in the Super Spies series is available today! To celebrate my new release the first book “The Super Spies and the Cat Lady Killer” is on sale now for $.99!! Check it out! (Look below)
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-super-spies-and-the-cat-lady-killer-lisa-orchard/1109518725?ean=2940014338202
The second book is titled “The Super Spies and the High
School Bomber” The cover art and the
excerpt are below! It’s also available at the three sites above.
Website: www.lisaorchard.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisaorchard1
Thanks for stopping by and please check out Lisa Orchard's book:
The Super Spies and the Cat Lady Killer
and her newest one
The Super Spies and the High School Bomber!
Leave a comment telling us your favorite High School memory and we'll pick the top three!!
3 $10.00 Amazon gift cards
Don't forget to comment!! Good Luck to all!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

tend to put words onto paper and encourage other people to look at them, and
hopefully they will like them. Most of what I write is quite dark and a bit
twisted. I write about life and I’ve been described as ‘observing the world
from a darkened corner’. I quite like that and I think it’s quite accurate.
I recently wrote a book called ‘Chop Shop’
and some nice (or perhaps misguided) publishing-type-people in Los Angeles
called ‘Over the Edge Books’ decided to publish it. That makes it easier for
you to look at the angry and disjointed words that I tend to put on paper.
You can get ‘Chop Shop’ on I Tunes and
I’m really pleased that this kind lady has
said she would review my book and I hope that she likes it. I also hope that
you like it too.
You delicious people can also look at some
more of my words here:
Website: www.garydangermorton.com
Twitter: @theskitzobeast
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theconfessionsofapsychopath
I’m 26 and I’m from Glasgow by the way.
Review of the book CHOP SHOP will be posted on Friday! Stop back by and see what it's all about. Thanks!
Review of the book CHOP SHOP will be posted on Friday! Stop back by and see what it's all about. Thanks!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
The Boy Who Flew With Eagles by Ben Woodard
Naa'ki is a young boy who ventures into the world of the animals who live in the sky and woods around his village. With the help and education of Mother Eagle and her children, the boy will soon learn what it takes to survive. In a bargain with Mother Eagle, the boy says he will help care and feed her children if she teaches him to fly. The bigger lesson will happen later in the book and it requires sacrifice on Naa'ki's part.
I thought this book really brings to life the tales of the Native Americans. It also taught a lesson I think we all should know, to share. I think Naa'ki was a brave boy to live through what he did. I really liked this book and I know most boys and girls will.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because as a proud Native American this book did a great job of showing our cultures.
Reviewed by Brianna age:12 (1st review)
I thought this book really brings to life the tales of the Native Americans. It also taught a lesson I think we all should know, to share. I think Naa'ki was a brave boy to live through what he did. I really liked this book and I know most boys and girls will.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because as a proud Native American this book did a great job of showing our cultures.
Reviewed by Brianna age:12 (1st review)
Friday, July 20, 2012
As Above ~ So Below: AChanneled, Assisted, Unfolding Story by Jeffrey M. Borowski
Jeff and Brenda Borowski move back to Upstate New York after living in the desert of Arizona for years. In acclimating to the different weather and the old home they now own, they learn how to just be. With the help of some deep thoughts and soul searching, they feel as if they are in the best place they could be. It's an emotional, fault- facing journey for Jeff but he does take the steps to reach his next "goal".
This book will mean different things to each person who reads it but I'm certain everyone will take away something wonderful from it. I found this to be thought - provoking, intelligent, down-to-earth and full of common sense. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Open your mind, heart and eyes while reading this book.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it teaches ideas we should already have.
"If you do not believe in abortion, don't have one. If you don't feel attracted to a person of the same gender, don't be with one in that manner. It's really none of anyone's business, but I am simply heterosexual, but if I wasn't, it sure wouldn't or shouldn't be any concern of yours, or anyone else's! If I believe in a different religious system, or none at all, that is no business of yours or any others!"
Couldn't be more simple than that, yet we as a group don't think that way.
This book will mean different things to each person who reads it but I'm certain everyone will take away something wonderful from it. I found this to be thought - provoking, intelligent, down-to-earth and full of common sense. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Open your mind, heart and eyes while reading this book.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it teaches ideas we should already have.
"If you do not believe in abortion, don't have one. If you don't feel attracted to a person of the same gender, don't be with one in that manner. It's really none of anyone's business, but I am simply heterosexual, but if I wasn't, it sure wouldn't or shouldn't be any concern of yours, or anyone else's! If I believe in a different religious system, or none at all, that is no business of yours or any others!"
Couldn't be more simple than that, yet we as a group don't think that way.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
MEET: Author Jeff Borowski
I guess that I feel that I am
as special as I am ordinary; much as we all are. We all “shine” at what we love
to do~ some of us, including myself, finally are getting to do what we so love.
Many, Many thanks to all of you for taking the time to read about me.
I began my early life growing
up outside of a very small towne, in the country, in Upstate New York. For most
of my teenage years I was looked after and brought up by a wonderful single
Mom, who though we were financially challenged, made sure that we were never in
need of what we did so need. I couldn’t have asked for a better Mother. She
passed over into the light on April 2nd of 2011.
Thank You Mom, for
The years flowed by with my
riding old dirt bikes, working at my step-Dad’s wonderful brother Dominic’s
small towne pizza parlor…. the best pizza that I have ever eaten~ by far, which
was a full time 40 hour a week job after school my senior year, that enabled me
to buy my 1st new car, a 1976 Ford Pinto.
Flash forward to my brief
stay in the U. S. Navy right after high school, the wild band/hippie years in
Tucson, where I paid the bills laboring for masons, working for swimming pool
companies, both in Tucson and later on in Phoenix, ~being a diver for
underwater pool repairs at a major pool company in the early eighties. Then my
own pool repair business, truck driving, real estate, pools again, taxi driver, etc., etc., etc, as
the years pushed on. Doing whatever I had to do to bring in the dollars to pay
the bills~ blah, blah, blah…. From time
to time picking up my writing project whenever the inspiration prodded me to
rediscover it; as it waited so patiently, as it was intended to do all along.
~Wanting so to be a writer;
having so to wait whilst I learned life’s lessons and allowing my thoughts to
be couloured by the days that came to be.
Flash forward to 2006, when I
met the most wonderful woman that I have ever known~ my beautiful wife Brenda.
We tried doing art on tiles
using tile grout (my pool business influence~), doing arts & crafts shows,
making very little money yet again. Opening our small gift shop, with our tile
art the main inventory at first, then with Brenda’s talented guidance, growing
into a real, albeit tiny, gift shop. Business was soooo slow, and as my writing
project called its final call, I picked it back up and finally put it all
together~ the vast majority written recently.
So there you have it. My bio
in a veritable “nutshell.”
A very strange life that has
been actually many lives all rolled into one. ~One “phase” quite different from
another; all with the lessons that I so needed to learn, and still learn, as
there is much to yet experience~ for all of us.
I really hope that you like
my book.
I really do thank you for
considering it.
Stop back by on Friday for the review of Jeff Borowski's book! I look forward to reading it and letting you know about it here. Thanks for stopping by.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Borrowed Wings by Regina Puckett
Even though he's the smallest dragon in the kingdom, he's determined to fly today! Trying to fly isn't too easy with small wings though. Mother dragon is here to help! Mother dragon and the smallest dragon of the kingdom sure have fun together. Will the smallest dragon of the kingdom learn to fly?
This book is perfect for teaching the lesson of persistence. Children can get discouraged so easily, but the smallest dragon teaches them it's okay to keep trying until you learn how to do something. The story is solid and the characters are ones kids will remember for a long time to come.
I found no issues.
I gave this great children's book a 5 out of 5 books. Hope your child or grandchild enjoys it as much as I did.
Review by Holly Baron (age 11)
This book is perfect for teaching the lesson of persistence. Children can get discouraged so easily, but the smallest dragon teaches them it's okay to keep trying until you learn how to do something. The story is solid and the characters are ones kids will remember for a long time to come.
I found no issues.
I gave this great children's book a 5 out of 5 books. Hope your child or grandchild enjoys it as much as I did.
Review by Holly Baron (age 11)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Poppy-Awake: The Deadly Flowers Series by Riana Lucas
Poppy has just been rescued by the Queen of Seelie's healers. They have taken care of her and watched over her closely. Poppy remembers bits and pieces of what happened but not enough to understand why she's here. Her dreams tell her something happened to her friends, Reed and Rho. She isn't sure what happened but she can feel it's dangerous. Poppy can't understand why the Queen is so nice to her. She's a prisoner of the Queen's yet she has a lovely room, Willow, another Fae has been assigned to see to her every need and she's able to come and go at will. Holly, the prisoner Poppy had just before the Queen appeared, had the Queen's favor because her parents died in the human world. Now, Holly can't understand why she's being placed second to Poppy. In time all will be explained to both Holly and Poppy. It's a shock Poppy will have to deal with.
In the second book of The Deadly Flower Series, we learn even more about Poppy and her world. The story is action filled and well written. The characters believable and well defined. I find this series to be an easy read and one you could definitely finish in an evening or a day at the beach. I like that these Fae seem so realistic in some ways. I highly recommend these books.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it was able to keep going as if the story never stopped.
In the second book of The Deadly Flower Series, we learn even more about Poppy and her world. The story is action filled and well written. The characters believable and well defined. I find this series to be an easy read and one you could definitely finish in an evening or a day at the beach. I like that these Fae seem so realistic in some ways. I highly recommend these books.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it was able to keep going as if the story never stopped.
Permanently Temping by Lauren Milner-Howells
Hollie Cooper is fresh from University and her father feels it's time for her to have a job. He arranges for her to go to work at a law firm in hopes she will one day follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. Hollie has other ideas though. She isn't really sure what she wants to do, so she signs up with a temp agency. They send her to several different jobs and Hollie expresses her thoughts on each of them in her new career notebook. While trying to find a job, she's also trying to find love. At University she dated James. They broke up before they left University though. She met Stephen, an artist, but didn't have butterflies with him. Then there was Gavin. He made her melt every time he smiled at her. Hollie was trying to juggle all three men and her constant new jobs. It's a rough way to start adulthood but, will she finally find a career?
This book has a good story however, it seems a bit scattered. Hollie seems more like an unstable young woman than one trying to find a job. The love story is also good but it takes too long to get to the guy and then it's a quick ending. I did enjoy the book, but it might take a few moments of settling in before you can really see what's happening.
I found issues and stated them above.
I gave this one 3 out of 5 books because the story is just too fragmented.
This book has a good story however, it seems a bit scattered. Hollie seems more like an unstable young woman than one trying to find a job. The love story is also good but it takes too long to get to the guy and then it's a quick ending. I did enjoy the book, but it might take a few moments of settling in before you can really see what's happening.
I found issues and stated them above.
I gave this one 3 out of 5 books because the story is just too fragmented.
Poppy: The Deadly Flower Series by Riana Lucas
Every since Poppy could remember she'd been a part of the Unseelie Kingdom. Poppy was trained as a warrior. It was her job for the King. The King summoned Poppy to his throne room and told her she had a new mission. It was dangerous but he was sure she could handle it. His second in command of the Army, Damien gave her all the specifics. Poppy would be sent to the human world to bring back a halfling. There was an added danger. The Seelie Queen was threatening to close the portals to the human world. If she did, Poppy would be trapped there. Poppy dislikes the human world and hopes the mission will be a quick one. She couldn't foresee the problems that would become part of her mission. Reed, the halfling, isn't quite so surprised by Poppy's visit. His mother seems to have had a hand in raising her halfling son. Reed is curious about everything though. Not only does Poppy teach him about Fae things, but he teaches Poppy about friendship and caring.
This is not just any Faery story. This one brings you in and keeps you right in the action. The story is solid and the characters well defined. I kept wanting to visualize tiny little beings, then Riana Lucas introduced the halfling and said he was 6'5. *smile* You'll enjoy this book and look forward to the whole series. I know I did.
I didn't find any issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it is a refreshing change.
This is not just any Faery story. This one brings you in and keeps you right in the action. The story is solid and the characters well defined. I kept wanting to visualize tiny little beings, then Riana Lucas introduced the halfling and said he was 6'5. *smile* You'll enjoy this book and look forward to the whole series. I know I did.
I didn't find any issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it is a refreshing change.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Romance on the Bay by Leigh Morano
Audrianna was still stinging from her divorce. It seemed to come out of nowhere for her. She and Kevin loved each other, didn't they? Not any longer. Kevin fell in love with another woman. Trying to get on with her life, Audrianna bought a bed & breakfast that needed a complete remodel. It took some time and with each new step, Audrianna thought she might be able to move forward with her life. Finally the B & B was open and she'd received a phone call for an immediate booking. Thrilled and nervous, she prepares for the guests stay. Paul St. John shows up just looking for some down time. He need a vacation to think things over. He never expected to meet anyone who would capture his attention like Audrianna. The connection was instant. He was determined to know this woman and do his best to sweep her off her feet.
This story is wonderful! It it reminds us that true love/happily ever after can happen at any time in your life. The characters need a bit of refining but are strong. This is one to put some heat into your day or night. Check this one out, you'll be glad you did.
I did find issues. The characters as I mentioned above need refining. It's not really clear who Paul is and I think we need to know a bit more of Audrianna's personality. Yes, it's a novella, but you can present defined characters.
I gave this one a 4 out of 4 books because the undefined characters take away from the book.
Audrianna was still stinging from her divorce. It seemed to come out of nowhere for her. She and Kevin loved each other, didn't they? Not any longer. Kevin fell in love with another woman. Trying to get on with her life, Audrianna bought a bed & breakfast that needed a complete remodel. It took some time and with each new step, Audrianna thought she might be able to move forward with her life. Finally the B & B was open and she'd received a phone call for an immediate booking. Thrilled and nervous, she prepares for the guests stay. Paul St. John shows up just looking for some down time. He need a vacation to think things over. He never expected to meet anyone who would capture his attention like Audrianna. The connection was instant. He was determined to know this woman and do his best to sweep her off her feet.
This story is wonderful! It it reminds us that true love/happily ever after can happen at any time in your life. The characters need a bit of refining but are strong. This is one to put some heat into your day or night. Check this one out, you'll be glad you did.
I did find issues. The characters as I mentioned above need refining. It's not really clear who Paul is and I think we need to know a bit more of Audrianna's personality. Yes, it's a novella, but you can present defined characters.
I gave this one a 4 out of 4 books because the undefined characters take away from the book.
Monday, July 9, 2012
AWARD Given by G. A. Albrethsen: Age of Restoration
I was nominated for the above award by
G.A. Albrethsen: Age of Restoration
He is a wonderful person and a terrific friend. You need to check out his blog at: http://gaalbrethsen.com/ . It's informative and fun! I enjoy reading it daily. As G. A. so eloquently said on his blog, there are responsibilities that come with such an honor. I am proud to follow through with those. I must tell you seven things about myself. Then I get to bestow this fantastic award on 15 others. So let's get started.
1. I had both my daughters when I was 36 but they aren't twins. *grin* Busy, busy time.
2. I was a writing teacher for my son's third grade class. His teacher didn't know how to write left handed. Which leads me to my next fact..
3. I'm ambidextrous. I think I was born a leftie but in those days they forced kids to write with their right hand.
4. I'm Italian on my Dad's side of the family. That explains so much! LOL!
5. I'm the middle of five children.
6. I lived in Hawaii for 2 years.
7. I am a terrific Salsa dancer.
Now to name the next fifteen victims...I mean award winners. *grin*
1. BookHounds...YA at http://foreveryoungadult.blogspot.com/
2. Books, Books, the Magical Fruit at http://booksbooksthemagicalfruit.blogspot.com/
3. For the Love of Romance at http://theloveofromance.blogspot.com/
4. GAIL M BAUGNIET - AUTHOR at http://gail-baugniet.blogspot.com/
5. Heather Blake at http://www.booksbyheather.net/
6. Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer at http://www.caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/
7. Owl Love You Books at http://lacedwithlacey26.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much for the award and I'm sorry there are so many who don't want to be recognized with an award.
G.A. Albrethsen: Age of Restoration
He is a wonderful person and a terrific friend. You need to check out his blog at: http://gaalbrethsen.com/ . It's informative and fun! I enjoy reading it daily. As G. A. so eloquently said on his blog, there are responsibilities that come with such an honor. I am proud to follow through with those. I must tell you seven things about myself. Then I get to bestow this fantastic award on 15 others. So let's get started.
1. I had both my daughters when I was 36 but they aren't twins. *grin* Busy, busy time.
2. I was a writing teacher for my son's third grade class. His teacher didn't know how to write left handed. Which leads me to my next fact..
3. I'm ambidextrous. I think I was born a leftie but in those days they forced kids to write with their right hand.
4. I'm Italian on my Dad's side of the family. That explains so much! LOL!
5. I'm the middle of five children.
6. I lived in Hawaii for 2 years.
7. I am a terrific Salsa dancer.
Now to name the next fifteen victims...I mean award winners. *grin*
1. BookHounds...YA at http://foreveryoungadult.blogspot.com/
2. Books, Books, the Magical Fruit at http://booksbooksthemagicalfruit.blogspot.com/
3. For the Love of Romance at http://theloveofromance.blogspot.com/
4. GAIL M BAUGNIET - AUTHOR at http://gail-baugniet.blogspot.com/
5. Heather Blake at http://www.booksbyheather.net/
6. Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer at http://www.caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/
7. Owl Love You Books at http://lacedwithlacey26.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much for the award and I'm sorry there are so many who don't want to be recognized with an award.
Mari by I. M. Telling
Mari is an educated, beautiful young woman from Nairobi. She dreamed of one day being a very successful model in New York City, America. She knew then she would be able to provide for herself and her family. Like most young women, Mari has a Facebook account and enjoys talking to people there. It gives her a glimpse into the world beyond Nairobi. It was there she met Ronald. Their conversations were polite, sweet, and caring. Mari asked Ronald for a photo of himself. In return he asked for nude photos of Mari. Although it wasn't easy for her, Mari did get the partial nudes and sent them to Ronald. He immediately told her she'd be able to get modelling jobs easily in the United States. He was going to arrange for her to fly to Raleigh, North Carolina where he'd meet her. A day or two later Ronald told her there was a problem and he couldn't afford to send her the money to get her to North Carolina. Mari sold her clothing and laptop to get the money needed to make the trip. She just knew it was going to be wonderful for her life. She had no way of knowing the hell she was walking into. Yes, there were red flags, but Mari was excited and fancied herself in love. Now, it would take all of her strength and knowledge to combat this modern day Civil War. Mari couldn't believe places like this compound existed in the United States. Would she survive? Only time would tell.
This book takes you to a place none of us ever thought would exist in today's world. It shows us the inside of a group of twisted minds. The story could essentially happen to any young woman who didn't really pay attention to the red flags. The characters are strong and reach inside themselves for even more strength than we'd think humanly possible. The book is graphic, but in keeping with the story. I cringed, I cried and I cheered Mari on. I applaud I.M.Telling for daring to reach into an area most would prefer to see shoved in a closet and locked away. This book is one you will enjoy and it will stay with you long after you've finished it. I highly recommend this one.
I didn't find any issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it haunted my mind to think this could really happen in today's world.
This book takes you to a place none of us ever thought would exist in today's world. It shows us the inside of a group of twisted minds. The story could essentially happen to any young woman who didn't really pay attention to the red flags. The characters are strong and reach inside themselves for even more strength than we'd think humanly possible. The book is graphic, but in keeping with the story. I cringed, I cried and I cheered Mari on. I applaud I.M.Telling for daring to reach into an area most would prefer to see shoved in a closet and locked away. This book is one you will enjoy and it will stay with you long after you've finished it. I highly recommend this one.
I didn't find any issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it haunted my mind to think this could really happen in today's world.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
I am THRILLED to announce Have You Heard My Book Review has received 3 awards! Thank you to Karen at http://karensdifferentcorners.wordpress.com for the awards! We've been doing the happy dance all morning. I'm new to these awards so forgive me if I forget to add something or do something that is required. The awards are as follows:
As with any award there are rules and these are they:
Questions for me to answer.
Writing and my children!
Seven things about myself that you don't know yet. Nominate 5 blogs that inspire me.
1. I'm allergic to all flowers but three.. Roses, Daisies and Carnations.
2. I'm a children's book writer.
3. I'm 50% Cherokee.
4. I'm actually 48.
5. I've lived in every state but 6.
6. My favorite place is the beach.
7. I once worked in a clam factory ( allergic to clam juice..lol).
Another award we've been given I nearly missed. Because I didn't understand what to do for it. Thank you to Ninette http://www.ninetteswann.com/2012/06/liebster-blog-award.html. It means so much to me!
As with any award there are rules and these are they:
1. Include the award logo somewhere in your blog.
2. Answer the 9 questions below
3. Nominate 10 to 12 blogs you enjoy. Or you pick the number. I’m going with 5 for this award and 5 for the other award
2. Answer the 9 questions below
3. Nominate 10 to 12 blogs you enjoy. Or you pick the number. I’m going with 5 for this award and 5 for the other award
4. Pay the love forward: Provide your nominee’s link in your post and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been included and invited to participate.
5. Pay the love back with gratitude and a link to the blogger(s) who nominated you.
Questions for me to answer.
What is your favorite colour?
Pink and green
What’s your favorite animal?
What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Facebook or Twitter?
mostly Twitter but I keep Facebook fresh
What is your favorite pattern?
I prefer a flower pattern
Favorite number?
Favorite day of the week?
Favorite flower?
Pink Roses and Daisies
What is your passion?
Writing and my children!
Seven things about myself that you don't know yet. Nominate 5 blogs that inspire me.
1. I'm allergic to all flowers but three.. Roses, Daisies and Carnations.
2. I'm a children's book writer.
3. I'm 50% Cherokee.
4. I'm actually 48.
5. I've lived in every state but 6.
6. My favorite place is the beach.
7. I once worked in a clam factory ( allergic to clam juice..lol).
Another award we've been given I nearly missed. Because I didn't understand what to do for it. Thank you to Ninette http://www.ninetteswann.com/2012/06/liebster-blog-award.html. It means so much to me!
The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers and Liebster is a German word which means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.
The Rules:
1. Each person must post 10 facts about themselves
2. Answer 10 questions the tagger has given you and give 10 questions for the people you’ve tagged.
3. Choose 10 people and link them in your post.
4. Tell them you’ve tagged them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.
Here Are My Questions to You:
1. What is your favorite opening line of a book?
2. What is your favorite blog post of your own and why?
3. If you couldn't read for a week, what would you do with your time?
4. Who is your least favorite author?
5. What elements does a story need to have to keep you interested?
6. Have you ever not finished a book? Which ones?
7. What book do you consider your best kept secret (something you love, but no one else has heard of)?
8. You're at a dinner party with three book characters. Who are they?
9. You're at a dinner party with three authors. Who are they?
10. Has a book ever changed your life?
2. What is your favorite blog post of your own and why?
3. If you couldn't read for a week, what would you do with your time?
4. Who is your least favorite author?
5. What elements does a story need to have to keep you interested?
6. Have you ever not finished a book? Which ones?
7. What book do you consider your best kept secret (something you love, but no one else has heard of)?
8. You're at a dinner party with three book characters. Who are they?
9. You're at a dinner party with three authors. Who are they?
10. Has a book ever changed your life?
1. Don't really have a favorite.
3. I'd be crafting.
4. I'd have to think about that for a long time.
5. I like a story to flow well. Make sense.
6. I have a rule with myself. If you start it, finish it.
7. Most have been discovered by friends.
8. Rhett Butler, one of the Cynster men, and a rouge pirate.
9. Eloisa James , Shana Galen, Veronica Scott.
10. No.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
A Dead Red Oleander by RP Dahlke
Planning a wedding and trying to run a business is difficult at best, but Lalla Baines is doing just that. Everything seems to be going smoothly until Lalla hires a pilot to help out with the family Aero Ag business. Dewey Treat seems okay. He's likable even though he doesn't know much about what he's doing. Mad Dog, another pilot has a bad feeling about Dewey though. At the final company BBQ, everyone is having a great time, then Mad Dog shows up with some guy no one knew. He was asking questions about Dewey and just before he and Mad Dog leave the party, Dewey drops dead. Lalla finds herself wrapped up tight in a mystery that just won't go away. With the help of her cousin Pearlie and her soon-to-be husband, Sheriff Caleb Stone, Lalla might have it all figured out before her wedding day. Unless something goes wrong.
A terrific book with humor, down home fun and characters you just have to meet. The book is well written and solid. I found it an easy read and fun. It's not a deep dark murder mystery, it's more of a what could possibly happen next kind of mystery. You'll enjoy getting to ride along with Lalla while she tries her best to figure things out.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because it's title is misleading I believe.
A terrific book with humor, down home fun and characters you just have to meet. The book is well written and solid. I found it an easy read and fun. It's not a deep dark murder mystery, it's more of a what could possibly happen next kind of mystery. You'll enjoy getting to ride along with Lalla while she tries her best to figure things out.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because it's title is misleading I believe.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Sail With Me by Chelsea Heights
Detective Delaney Davenport is a good and experienced cop. She wants to move up in the department but the 'good ole boys' club finds any reason they can to keep her right where she is. Delaney's private life wasn't going any better. Her ex husband cheated on her for years and it seemed Delaney was the last to know. Then a year after their divorce, her ex, Kevin died. His death was embarrassing and very public. After that she stayed pretty much to herself.
The Chief loved giving Delaney the minor, petty cases. He never let her work anything that needed real work. Until she started looking at one particular file, Caroline O'Sullivan. Being a small town, everyone knew everyone else. Delaney knew Caroline and she didn't seem crazy like neighbors and towns people had been saying for years. A close look at her files reveal more going on that anyone expected. Certainly more than Delaney thought she'd find. It might even require assistance from outside sources. Delaney begins what could be the biggest case of her career.
AMAZING is the best word to describe this book. Just 111 pages long, but it moves quickly, is well written and the characters can be found in any town. The story is an old but good one. Chelsea Heights did a very good job of capturing small town America in this book. I enjoyed this and recommend it, especially to those who want a quick summer read.
I did have an issue with the way the ending came about. We were in the middle of the action and suddenly it was over the book was finished. I felt the ending was too soon.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because the ending came up like an unexpected curve in the road.
The Chief loved giving Delaney the minor, petty cases. He never let her work anything that needed real work. Until she started looking at one particular file, Caroline O'Sullivan. Being a small town, everyone knew everyone else. Delaney knew Caroline and she didn't seem crazy like neighbors and towns people had been saying for years. A close look at her files reveal more going on that anyone expected. Certainly more than Delaney thought she'd find. It might even require assistance from outside sources. Delaney begins what could be the biggest case of her career.
AMAZING is the best word to describe this book. Just 111 pages long, but it moves quickly, is well written and the characters can be found in any town. The story is an old but good one. Chelsea Heights did a very good job of capturing small town America in this book. I enjoyed this and recommend it, especially to those who want a quick summer read.
I did have an issue with the way the ending came about. We were in the middle of the action and suddenly it was over the book was finished. I felt the ending was too soon.
I gave this one 4 out of 5 books because the ending came up like an unexpected curve in the road.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tessa's Treasures: Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll by Callie Hutton

A loving and tender story about regaining trust both of self and others. I think the approach to Annie's abusive marriage is done in such a way that it doesn't dominate the story, but you can tell it's an intricate part of it. The characters are real and very solid. I enjoy the fact Lucas isn't afraid to take things slow with Annie and loves her enough to put her first. You'll enjoy this book. The basic lessons learned in this one are ones we all need to keep in mind. As an ex abused spouse/girlfriend, I know how difficult it can be to find someone like Lucas. Thanks for this story Callie!
I didn't find issues.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it touched my heart in a positive way.
Devious by Lisa Jackson
New Orleans has always been a place where anything seems possible, but no one expected to find nuns dead in a chapel. It seems someone has a grudge. Rick Bentz and his partner Reuben Montoya are called to St. Marguerite's church and the site of the first murder. Unfortunately, Montoya knows the deceased and several others at St. Marguerite's. He should let someone else work the case, but this is personal. These people were from his past. The investigation starts off rough and just gets rougher. Nothing is as it seems at St. Marguerite's. The first body is Sister Camille, an ex party girl getting ready to take her final vows, or was she? Soon a pattern become evident and working on every lead they get, Bentz and Montoya do their best to figure out this mystery before the killer strikes again.
This book is FILLED with characters. I'd be so bold as to say they could have their own who-dun-it dinner party. The story is solid and intricate. That being said, let me move on to the issues I found.
I did find issues. The book is long winded and full of unnecessary things. This one is 527 pages. You read it right...527. Out of that, Lisa Jackson could have cut about 200 pages at least and had a better book. There are at least 5 stories being told in this one book and I believe it takes away from the basic story of nuns being murdered. It also drags in places.
I gave this one 3 out of 5 books because it just simply wasn't bestseller quality.
This book is FILLED with characters. I'd be so bold as to say they could have their own who-dun-it dinner party. The story is solid and intricate. That being said, let me move on to the issues I found.
I did find issues. The book is long winded and full of unnecessary things. This one is 527 pages. You read it right...527. Out of that, Lisa Jackson could have cut about 200 pages at least and had a better book. There are at least 5 stories being told in this one book and I believe it takes away from the basic story of nuns being murdered. It also drags in places.
I gave this one 3 out of 5 books because it just simply wasn't bestseller quality.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Insane Circumstances by Brenda Smith
Brandi got a scholarship to attend college but the college is further north. Her family is concerned about her being so far from home, but Brandi is ready. At least she thinks she is. From the moment she steps off the bus at Claxville, Brandi encounters situations she might never have experienced. Working hard to keep her grades up and make everyone proud of her, Brandi is living through circumstances no one should have to live through. Finding friends is difficult because of her skin color, Brandi doesn't give up though. She soon learns how to be herself and deal with the white girls who make her life so miserable at every turn. Brandi learns lessons she then shares with someone going through very similar things.
Explosive, powerful, moving and disturbing are all great ways to describe Insane Circumstances by Brenda Smith. The writing is solid, characters well defined and the lesson is one society still needs to learn. I found this book to be eye-opening in many ways. As a human being, I was ashamed and disturbed by some of what is contained in this book. To think someone lived through this nightmare is heartbreaking. You'll love the spirit of Brandi Leigh Brown though! She's not one to give up easily and she will fight back. This should be required reading in every school in the world. Brenda Smith has shed light on a situation most would prefer be hidden forever. Bravo Ms Smith!!
I found only a minor issue with this. The time period being what it was, I can't imagine they used some of the eloquent words Brenda Smith uses.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it will become one of the classics.
Explosive, powerful, moving and disturbing are all great ways to describe Insane Circumstances by Brenda Smith. The writing is solid, characters well defined and the lesson is one society still needs to learn. I found this book to be eye-opening in many ways. As a human being, I was ashamed and disturbed by some of what is contained in this book. To think someone lived through this nightmare is heartbreaking. You'll love the spirit of Brandi Leigh Brown though! She's not one to give up easily and she will fight back. This should be required reading in every school in the world. Brenda Smith has shed light on a situation most would prefer be hidden forever. Bravo Ms Smith!!
I found only a minor issue with this. The time period being what it was, I can't imagine they used some of the eloquent words Brenda Smith uses.
I gave this one 5 out of 5 books because it will become one of the classics.
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