
I review all genres and I post them in 30 spots. Check out previous posts and I'm sure you'll find several books to catch your interest. I am a published reviewer and an award winning one. I am one of the best reviewers around. CELEBRATING 14 YEARS OF BOOK REVIEWS!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

AWARD Given by G. A. Albrethsen: Age of Restoration

    I was nominated for the above award by 
                         G.A. Albrethsen: Age of Restoration

He is a  wonderful person and a terrific friend. You need to check out his blog at:  http://gaalbrethsen.com/ . It's informative and fun! I enjoy reading it daily.   As G. A. so eloquently said on his blog, there are responsibilities that come with such an honor.  I am proud to follow through with those.  I must tell you seven things about myself.  Then I get to bestow this fantastic award on 15 others.  So let's get started. 

1. I had both my daughters when I was 36 but they aren't twins. *grin* Busy, busy time.

2. I was a writing teacher for my son's third grade class. His teacher didn't know how to write left handed. Which leads me to my next fact..

3. I'm ambidextrous.  I think I was born a leftie but in those days they forced kids to write with their right hand. 

4. I'm Italian on my Dad's side of the family. That explains so much! LOL!

5. I'm the middle of five children.

6.  I lived in Hawaii for 2 years.

7.  I am a terrific Salsa dancer.

Now to name the next fifteen victims...I mean award winners. *grin*

1.  BookHounds...YA   at  http://foreveryoungadult.blogspot.com/

2. Books, Books, the Magical Fruit at http://booksbooksthemagicalfruit.blogspot.com/

3. For the Love of Romance at http://theloveofromance.blogspot.com/

4. GAIL M BAUGNIET - AUTHOR at http://gail-baugniet.blogspot.com/

5.  Heather Blake at http://www.booksbyheather.net/

6. Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer at http://www.caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/

7. Owl Love You Books at http://lacedwithlacey26.blogspot.com/

Thank you so much for the award and I'm sorry there are so many who don't want to be recognized with an award. 



  1. Humble beginner humbly asks for enlightenment...

    Kimba, and maybe others, mention "Giveaways". What is that all about?

    1. Left a comment. I keep forgetting to hit reply..lol. You are such a delight!

  2. Also, a funny thing called "blog tours" or something like that.

  3. Giggle..giggle.. Giveaways usually consist of giving a copy of your book or past books, bookmarks, business cards..that kind of thing. Blog tours are where you line up say 10 blogs who agree to either review your book, interview you, or let you be a guest blogger. It gets your name and your books name out there.

  4. Thanks Melanie. Sounds like something I can sink my teeth into. Just takes time and persistence. I have been carefully assessing bloggers as of late, and it both pleasurable and time-consuming. The give-aways would be easy. But limning up busy bloggers - well, that's the ticket.

    Much obliged!

    Love and blessings,

    PS: This is the part I hate, navigating through that spam filter

    1. Not as tough as you might imagine. I hope your perusal of bloggers has given you a look into the blog tours and giveaways.

  5. Hi Melanie, Thank you for presenting me with the One Lovely Blog Award. There are so many places to express my thanks, it took a while for me to respond here! I've been following your blog for over a year now and keep coming back!

  6. New follower! I just saw this on your blog, that's funny because I just nominated your blog for a Liebster http://www.authorheather.com/2012/07/liebster-blog-award.html
