Have you ever met an imp? Have you ever given an imp anything? Imps are mischievous creatures. They try to help but end up making things worse. You'll want to be careful of imps in your life!
A quick and easy read, this book will bring lots of laughter. Well written and the imp is an inspired choice for a character. This one is perfect for the child who just can't sit still while reading to them. The books written by these gentlemen are always fun. I can't wait to read more of their work.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's so sweet.
I review all genres and I post them in 30 spots. Check out previous posts and I'm sure you'll find several books to catch your interest. I am a published reviewer and an award winning one. I am one of the best reviewers around. CELEBRATING 14 YEARS OF BOOK REVIEWS!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Beyond The Gloaming by Brendan Murphy
1973 and Sebastian's life is a nightmare. He's savagely abused by his parents. His brother is dead and Sebastian is bullied at school. Not knowing how to deal with it all, Sebastian begins to steal from his friends. It's gotten to the point Sebastian can't tell reality from fantasy. After one particularly savage beating, Sebastian finds himself entering a new world. It's where ghosts live and was designed by Celtic dreams. Will Sebastian find his place here?
This book has a fanciful and fairy tale like setting and includes mythical beasts. Well written and the characters well defined, you'll enjoy this one. It gives you an opportunity to see what the "other side" would look like. This book never gives your imagination a break. You'll be caught up in Sebastian's story just as I was. Parts of it will tug at your heart but for the most part you will be imagining yourself there with Sebastian.
I did find one issue. To me the book seemed to long. There is so much going on, this could have easily been two books.
I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5 because I did enjoy the story.
This book has a fanciful and fairy tale like setting and includes mythical beasts. Well written and the characters well defined, you'll enjoy this one. It gives you an opportunity to see what the "other side" would look like. This book never gives your imagination a break. You'll be caught up in Sebastian's story just as I was. Parts of it will tug at your heart but for the most part you will be imagining yourself there with Sebastian.
I did find one issue. To me the book seemed to long. There is so much going on, this could have easily been two books.
I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5 because I did enjoy the story.
Oliver and Jumpy Stories 28-30 by Werner Stejskal
Oliver and Jumpy are at it again. They love to go on adventures and share their stories with us. They seem to be able to do most anything and they make friends while doing it. As is the format, there are three stories included in each book. The first one is Letter In A Bottle. The second is Oliver Meeting Jumpy and the third is Enchanted Forest.
Story 28 Foxy had been naughty again. His mother tells him to write an essay about how to better himself. Bored and looking for fun, Foxy writes a note asking for help. He says in the note he's being treated badly. Foxy puts the note in a bottle and throws it into the stream near his window. What happens next?
Story 29 is when Oliver meets Jumpy for the first time. Oliver and friends go on safari. They are looking for rare flowers. As they look for them, they hear a call for help. They find Jumpy and rescue her. They take her to the doctor. That's how they became great friends.
Story 30 there is a castle on top of a hill. It's very old. Oliver and Jumpy decide to explore. They find the doorway to another world. A witch put a spell on all of the soldiers and now they were trees. Oliver uses his magic wand to change them back. Will the witch be upset?
This is a favorite series of mine. Each one is just the right size for nap time or bedtime. The illustrations are colorful and engaging. The main reason I love this series is because it teaches a lesson. We all know kids learn better if it's fun. Well written with even the youngest child in mind, you can't go wrong by adding these to your child's library. I know your child will ask you to read them again and again.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's perfect for little ones.
Story 28 Foxy had been naughty again. His mother tells him to write an essay about how to better himself. Bored and looking for fun, Foxy writes a note asking for help. He says in the note he's being treated badly. Foxy puts the note in a bottle and throws it into the stream near his window. What happens next?
Story 29 is when Oliver meets Jumpy for the first time. Oliver and friends go on safari. They are looking for rare flowers. As they look for them, they hear a call for help. They find Jumpy and rescue her. They take her to the doctor. That's how they became great friends.
Story 30 there is a castle on top of a hill. It's very old. Oliver and Jumpy decide to explore. They find the doorway to another world. A witch put a spell on all of the soldiers and now they were trees. Oliver uses his magic wand to change them back. Will the witch be upset?
This is a favorite series of mine. Each one is just the right size for nap time or bedtime. The illustrations are colorful and engaging. The main reason I love this series is because it teaches a lesson. We all know kids learn better if it's fun. Well written with even the youngest child in mind, you can't go wrong by adding these to your child's library. I know your child will ask you to read them again and again.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's perfect for little ones.
Zeep Needs More Sleep by Paul M Kramer
Zeep loved to stay up late. He enjoyed playing games and watching television. His teacher told him by staying up late he was making it harder to learn at school. Zeep didn't listen. His cousin, Philippe made sure he got ten hours of sleep a night. He was always refreshed and ready to take on the day. Then something changes.
A wonderful book that hammers home the need to get sleep. I thought it was terrific. It tells children without hitting them over the head why sleep is important. Well written and characters children will love makes this an excellent choice for your child's library. I am all for books that have a lesson in them.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's simply adorable.
A wonderful book that hammers home the need to get sleep. I thought it was terrific. It tells children without hitting them over the head why sleep is important. Well written and characters children will love makes this an excellent choice for your child's library. I am all for books that have a lesson in them.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's simply adorable.
Defragmentation by R. Douglas Jacobs
He was shy and quiet. As an abused child, he never knew what love was or how to show it. He then meets a woman who touches him deeply. They seem perfect for each other. The relationship was good. They were deeply involved and he proposes to her. She accepts. The relationship then begins to shake. She is needy and controlling. No matter how kind, giving and loving he was, she wasn't happy. He needed to figure out what was going on.
This book is written in free verse and is amazing! It takes you from pain and hurt to euphoria and then to the deepest sorrow you can imagine. The book is well written and opens all the wounds for you to see. I found myself thinking of several people I know who went through this same thing. Mr. Jacobs is eloquent and direct. I know this is a book I'll read again and again. It touches deeply in the heart and makes you want to reach out to the man involved in this.
I found no issues here.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because we should all be so open about our relationships.
This book is written in free verse and is amazing! It takes you from pain and hurt to euphoria and then to the deepest sorrow you can imagine. The book is well written and opens all the wounds for you to see. I found myself thinking of several people I know who went through this same thing. Mr. Jacobs is eloquent and direct. I know this is a book I'll read again and again. It touches deeply in the heart and makes you want to reach out to the man involved in this.
I found no issues here.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because we should all be so open about our relationships.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Chaos In The Kitchen: A My Sexy Chef Story by Susan Jean Ricci

A lighthearted read with so very much love. Things heat up and it doesn't stop throughout the book. This one will put a smile on your face. The writing is solid and the characters delightfully described. I can't wait to read more about these sexy chefs. It's an easy read and you'll really be glad you purchased it.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it touched my heart.
Just In Time For Gift Giving! A Boxed Set of the Starlight Chronicles for only 99 cents!
Lark comes from a single parent home. She's never known her father because her mother won't talk about him. Mostly, Lark shrugs her shoulder at it all and depends on her music to carry her away. Lark is a good student and fantastic at the guitar. Her guitar is her life. Of course she has friends, but very few. Now that she's a senior in high school, she wants to know about her father. If only she can get her mother to open up about him. Lark's life is changing and she's decided her father should be part of it all.
I felt I knew Lark when I began reading this book. She reminded me of a couple of kids I went to school with. The writing is outstanding and all the characters fit right in. I felt each of Lark's emotions. It was so easy to get wrapped up in this book. This one is an easy read and those who enjoy the YA genre, this is perfect for you. I highly recommend Ms Orchard's book.
I only found on thing that bothered me just a tad. I didn't like the cliffhanger ending. *grin*
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this one tugs the heart strings.
I felt I knew Lark when I began reading this book. She reminded me of a couple of kids I went to school with. The writing is outstanding and all the characters fit right in. I felt each of Lark's emotions. It was so easy to get wrapped up in this book. This one is an easy read and those who enjoy the YA genre, this is perfect for you. I highly recommend Ms Orchard's book.
I only found on thing that bothered me just a tad. I didn't like the cliffhanger ending. *grin*
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this one tugs the heart strings.
Lark Singer is seventeen years old and already on the way to a brilliant music career. As she and her band, Starlight, gear-up for an upcoming, life-changing band competition, though, life seems to be throwing her a few curve balls. The mysteries of her past seem to be unraveling, and she’s no longer certain she wants to know those answers, or how knowing about her past will affect her difficult relationship with her mother. And when her best friend, Bean, changes things between them, all her plans for a musical future are placed in jeopardy. How can she balance her unraveling personal life to keep her musical goals on track?
Three dimensional characters and fantastic writing make this book an interesting read. I loved being able to see where Lark went with the knowledge of who her father was. It was a shock to read what happens to one of the band members. Never expected it. Your heart will go out to these kids. The journey is well worth the read.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it held my attention throughout.
I found no issues with this one.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it held my attention throughout.
Everything is on track for Seventeen-year-old Lark Singer and her band Starlight. They have a great shot at winning the competition that can launch their musical career. But when Lark discovers they will be competing against her old nemesis Duane McIntyre things really heat up. How far will Lark go to win, and what will it cost her in the end?
Lisa Orchard grew up loving books. She was hooked on books by the fifth grade and even wrote a few of her own. She knew she wanted to be a writer even then. Her first published works are the “Super Spies Series.” These stories revolve around a group of friends who form their own detective squad and the cases they solve. “The Starlight Chronicles,” is the next series that Lisa created with musical misfit, Lark Singer as her main character.
Lisa resides in Michigan with her husband, Steve, and two wonderful boys. Currently, she’s working on the next book in the Starlight Chronicles Series along with a few new ideas that may turn into stand-alone novels. When she’s not writing she enjoys spending time with her family, running, hiking, and reading.
Get this boxed set NOW before the price goes up! It's a YA book but anyone will enjoy it.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Magic Bat Day by Kevin Christofora
It's the second day of practice and the players were allowed to wear their uniforms to school. They were all so proud of their uniforms. This time at practice, they exercise and they learn how to hit the ball. They also get to see some baseball cards the coach has. These children are thrilled with baseball and their coach.
I love this series already. It get kids involved and moving. This book shows children how much fun it can be to be part of a team. It really is a fantastic book. Mr. Christofora took a very basic approach to teaching baseball and I applaud him for it. I can't wait to see what comes next from this series. Your child should have them in their library.
I didn't find any issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it really gets children up and moving.
I love this series already. It get kids involved and moving. This book shows children how much fun it can be to be part of a team. It really is a fantastic book. Mr. Christofora took a very basic approach to teaching baseball and I applaud him for it. I can't wait to see what comes next from this series. Your child should have them in their library.
I didn't find any issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it really gets children up and moving.
Nick's Very First Day of Baseball by Kevin Christofora
Nick's mom signs him up for baseball. Nick is very excited to be part of the team. He practices throwing and catching with his dog. Nick's friends also sign up and the excitement doubles. Once they start baseball, they learn more than how to play the game. They learn very basic skills to make it easier to understand.
This book has beautiful illustrations to go along with a wonderful story. I so enjoy the way the coach approaches the game and practices. He really gets the kids interested and they want to be outside and enjoying what they learn. I know your children will love this story and want to read or have it read to them over and over. The surprise of this book is it helps parents understand the basic rules of baseball. This is a keeper.
The only thing I saw I would change is the pages with a light blue box. It makes it a little difficult to read it.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this author is donating books to children in a NYC hospital. He also gives teachers, librarians and schools a break on the price.
This book has beautiful illustrations to go along with a wonderful story. I so enjoy the way the coach approaches the game and practices. He really gets the kids interested and they want to be outside and enjoying what they learn. I know your children will love this story and want to read or have it read to them over and over. The surprise of this book is it helps parents understand the basic rules of baseball. This is a keeper.
The only thing I saw I would change is the pages with a light blue box. It makes it a little difficult to read it.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this author is donating books to children in a NYC hospital. He also gives teachers, librarians and schools a break on the price.
Meet Author Kevin Christofora
Christofora found his calling when he began to coach little league. He has coached the Mountain Valley Little League (formerly the Woodstock Little League) since 2008. More than a pastime, Kevin loves working with the children. He prides himself on teaching them that it's about more than a game: it's about honor, respect, and community. As president of the league, he enjoys working with the parents and community members that all have one main interest: the kids. As he puts it, "Mountain Valley Little League is real fun, real life, and real baseball, with no substitutions".
Written for children ages three to five, Kevin wrote The Hometown All Stars as a "bedtime story" to get kids interested in the national pastime again. His goal in writing this book was to get kids out of the house and onto the field - " less screen, more green." He believes in the valuable lessons that children learn from playing the game: teamwork, discipline, strategy, and thinking before they act. In addition, he wants to bring back the joy of being outdoors and playing, that kids in recent years have lost.
An engineer by education, Kevin gave up the corporate life to move back to his hometown, Woodstock-NY, to carry on the family business and become the local butcher and a dad. He has found more happiness becoming a baseball coach, than he ever had before. He hopes to pass the excitement of the game to other children with The Hometown All Stars. Nick's Very First Day of Baseball is his first book of the series.
Written for children ages three to five, Kevin wrote The Hometown All Stars as a "bedtime story" to get kids interested in the national pastime again. His goal in writing this book was to get kids out of the house and onto the field - " less screen, more green." He believes in the valuable lessons that children learn from playing the game: teamwork, discipline, strategy, and thinking before they act. In addition, he wants to bring back the joy of being outdoors and playing, that kids in recent years have lost.
An engineer by education, Kevin gave up the corporate life to move back to his hometown, Woodstock-NY, to carry on the family business and become the local butcher and a dad. He has found more happiness becoming a baseball coach, than he ever had before. He hopes to pass the excitement of the game to other children with The Hometown All Stars. Nick's Very First Day of Baseball is his first book of the series.
Mr. Christofora really wants to help children read more. He offers books at half price for all schools, teachers and libraries. You can buy direct from the author. He is also matching donations and doubling them to make sure children in NYC hospitals get a happy holiday. Check this man and his books out.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
RAZOR SHARP (EMBRYO: A Raney & Levine Thriller Book 6) by J.A. Schneider
AHHH.. vacation. At least that's what Jill and David thought. Only three days into their vacation with more fun planned when they get a call. Both are doctors. This call doesn't have anything to do with the hospital. It's their friends Brand and Kerri. They want to know if Jill and David could stop by and see them. Jill and David agree and remind them they need to get home to their son Jesse. Things are never short and sweet when the police are involved.
J.A. Schneider once again gives us a thriller with twists, turns and surprises. These characters are very well defined. The writing, superb! I enjoy this series because each one reads great as a stand alone, but together, they will blow your mind. I know if you read this one, you'll want to read the others. I can clearly see this series as a television show. It would be tops in the numbers I'm sure. Ms. Schneider creates such vivid scenes you'll feel as though you are right there with Jill and David. I can't wait to see what happens next. This one should be on the top of your TBR pile.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because Jill and David are amazing!
J.A. Schneider once again gives us a thriller with twists, turns and surprises. These characters are very well defined. The writing, superb! I enjoy this series because each one reads great as a stand alone, but together, they will blow your mind. I know if you read this one, you'll want to read the others. I can clearly see this series as a television show. It would be tops in the numbers I'm sure. Ms. Schneider creates such vivid scenes you'll feel as though you are right there with Jill and David. I can't wait to see what happens next. This one should be on the top of your TBR pile.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because Jill and David are amazing!
Bullies Beware by Paul M. Kramer
Mikey's going to a new school. He can't wait to meet new people. His first day, however, two boys jump out and demand his lunch or money. They pushed Mikey to the ground and punched him. Trying to be brave, Mikey hides his tears and goes on with his day. Although Mikey tries to find other ways to avoid the bullies, it doesn't work. Then one day Mikey had an idea.
Terrific writing and characters we've all known in our own lives. This book shows children the right way to handle bullies. I like that Mikey decides to take other actions rather than try to fight these bullies. It's positive look at handling bullies.
I didn't find issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because all children need to read this one.
Terrific writing and characters we've all known in our own lives. This book shows children the right way to handle bullies. I like that Mikey decides to take other actions rather than try to fight these bullies. It's positive look at handling bullies.
I didn't find issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because all children need to read this one.
Chickadees, Bumbelbeez, Pussy-Willow Trees and Two-And-A-Half by Jeffrey Politsky
Monkey is curious about the world beyond where he lives. He questions his parents and they encourage him to save his money and go explore. Monkey does just that. Gray Cat is also curious and she decides to go exploring too. Blue Pelican asks his parents about the world and then decides to explore. These three meet and become friends. Their adventure is informative and fun.
This book is very well written and has some of the cutest characters you'll ever see. The illustrations are beautiful and will get your child's imagination flowing. I love that it shows more than one "child" curious about the world they live in. It will give your children ideas of their own. This is one for the library. You'll read it or your child will read it over and over.
I didn't find issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's a wonderful book.
This book is very well written and has some of the cutest characters you'll ever see. The illustrations are beautiful and will get your child's imagination flowing. I love that it shows more than one "child" curious about the world they live in. It will give your children ideas of their own. This is one for the library. You'll read it or your child will read it over and over.
I didn't find issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's a wonderful book.
Man Up Playboy by Danielle Sibarium
Cooper is a very easy going man. He lives life fast and loose. Most women would die just to have a date from Cooper, so he's puzzled when Selene isn't giving him the time of day. Cooper decides Selene is the one, at least for now, and begins trying to win her over. He doesn't seem to be making any progress with her. Never one to give up, he continues his full court press to get a date. Selene isn't sure about Cooper. She's known men like him before. Why put herself through all the hassles just to have him walk away. At least to Selene, Cooper seems like the type who doesn't stick around. Could she be wrong?
Volatile, passionate, explosive and erotic, this book has it all! I love this series. It is extremely well written and the characters leap off the page. I feel this book is perfect for anyone who likes lots of heat. I enjoyed the story. You'll find this book is a quick, easy read. Did I mention the heat? *smile* Ms. Sibarium knows how to capture your attention and hold it throughout the book. Her work is bestseller quality. If you haven't started this series, get to it. You won't be disappointed. Each book does stand alone, but together, they will warm up your day or night.
I didn't find issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because you can't put it down once you start.
Volatile, passionate, explosive and erotic, this book has it all! I love this series. It is extremely well written and the characters leap off the page. I feel this book is perfect for anyone who likes lots of heat. I enjoyed the story. You'll find this book is a quick, easy read. Did I mention the heat? *smile* Ms. Sibarium knows how to capture your attention and hold it throughout the book. Her work is bestseller quality. If you haven't started this series, get to it. You won't be disappointed. Each book does stand alone, but together, they will warm up your day or night.
I didn't find issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because you can't put it down once you start.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Possible by Amy Newmark and Deborah Norville
I have to say at the outset this book isn't one I usually would read. After I began this book I was thrilled by the stories. People from all walks of life using one simple tool, thinking possible. I began imagining how powerful thinking possible can be. You will enjoy reading the stories and learning from them. The writing is solid. This easy read is a particular thrill for me as I've been a long time fan of Deborah Norville.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this book is a huge lesson for us all.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Monsterland by Michael Phillip Cash
A new park is opening. It's called Monsterland. This one is unique. There aren't games or many rides, but there is still some fun. The man behind the park simply wants to put vampires, werewolves and zombies in a place where they can study them. You'll be able to interact with them as well. The opening night is a star studded event and Vincent and his friends were lucky enough to get VIP tickets. A couple of his friends couldn't wait to get there. Vincent wasn't so sure about this place. Something didn't seem right. How bad could it be, his friends asked. Vincent didn't want to find out.
I was all set for this one. The cover alone made me a little unsure of what I'd find. It is phenomenal! The ultimate scary place for people to go. Would you be brave enough to visit the park? The writing is amazing and the pacing is good. Characters we all know in our own lives, make this an even better read. Perfect for this time of year too. I think this one is a fascinating read and a completely new turn on the subject of monsters. This one could easily be a blockbuster movie.
I did feel this one wasn't quite as scary as it could have been. If it had gone a little deeper and darker, I know more would buy it.
I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5 because of the above reason.
I was all set for this one. The cover alone made me a little unsure of what I'd find. It is phenomenal! The ultimate scary place for people to go. Would you be brave enough to visit the park? The writing is amazing and the pacing is good. Characters we all know in our own lives, make this an even better read. Perfect for this time of year too. I think this one is a fascinating read and a completely new turn on the subject of monsters. This one could easily be a blockbuster movie.
I did feel this one wasn't quite as scary as it could have been. If it had gone a little deeper and darker, I know more would buy it.
I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5 because of the above reason.
A Summer Love (Seasons of Love) (Volume 2) by Melanie James
Jake is Adam's best friend. They've know each other for a very long time. One thing Adam didn't know was that Jake wanted Adam's sister Jenny for as long as he could remember. He was afraid Adam would be upset so he stays away from her, well he tries to. Jake has secrets and he's not sure how his friends would handle them.
Jenny is finishing college. Until she does, she lives with her brother. He's her only family, unless you count Jake but Jenny didn't see Jake as a big brother. To Jenny, Jake is someone she'd like a relationship with. There's only one problem, the stalker.
Thrilling and full of romance, this book will make you think twice about the people around you every day. I love that Jake keeps his secrets until he absolutely has no other choice but to spill the beans. Fantastic writing and characters who aren't afraid to put up a fight makes this book one for the TBR pile. You'll really love this story. I know I did.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because I fell a little in love with Jake myself. *smile*
Jenny is finishing college. Until she does, she lives with her brother. He's her only family, unless you count Jake but Jenny didn't see Jake as a big brother. To Jenny, Jake is someone she'd like a relationship with. There's only one problem, the stalker.
Thrilling and full of romance, this book will make you think twice about the people around you every day. I love that Jake keeps his secrets until he absolutely has no other choice but to spill the beans. Fantastic writing and characters who aren't afraid to put up a fight makes this book one for the TBR pile. You'll really love this story. I know I did.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because I fell a little in love with Jake myself. *smile*
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Shift Happens by J.C. McKenzie
Andrea was on assignment. She thought this one would be too easy. She soon found out it was more complicated than she could have imagined. Andrea was soon taken prisoner and fighting for her life in an unusual court-like setting. How was she ever going to get out of this?
Wick is the alpha. He knows what he wants and he wants Andrea. He just sensed something about her. Wick knew he had to protect her at all costs. Would that mean giving up his own life?
Spectacular! This book gives us a new and unique look at what could be our future. It's fun and different. I love that the characters have so much depth to them. Just when you think nothing else can happen, something else happens. *grin* The writing is phenomenal! It's well plotted and the pacing is just right. I can't wait to read more of this author's work.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because of the unique approach.
Wick is the alpha. He knows what he wants and he wants Andrea. He just sensed something about her. Wick knew he had to protect her at all costs. Would that mean giving up his own life?
Spectacular! This book gives us a new and unique look at what could be our future. It's fun and different. I love that the characters have so much depth to them. Just when you think nothing else can happen, something else happens. *grin* The writing is phenomenal! It's well plotted and the pacing is just right. I can't wait to read more of this author's work.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because of the unique approach.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Oliver and Jumpy: Stories 25-27 by Werner Stejskal
Oliver and Jumpy have new adventures to share with you. They experience a lot of things every day. The story number 25 is called Olly the Owl. Oliver loses a ring he got from his grandmother. Everyone searches for it but no one finds it. They decide to go see Olly the Owl for advice.
Story number 26 is called Desert Travel. Oliver receives a letter from his sister telling him she has new kittens. Oliver decides to go see them. Story number 27 is called Ghosts at Halloween. Oliver and Jumpy visit an empty local castle. They weren't sure what they'd see but were excited to go. Oliver meets the resident ghost and then the real fun begins.
What wonderful stories this book has. It's perfect for reading anywhere. Because the stories are short, it's a terrific bedtime book as well. The characters are simply full of fun and the writing is solid. This series of books is one you'll want for your child's library. Each story teaches a lesson too. They are so easy to understand and read your child will love them.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because I like a book with a lesson.
Story number 26 is called Desert Travel. Oliver receives a letter from his sister telling him she has new kittens. Oliver decides to go see them. Story number 27 is called Ghosts at Halloween. Oliver and Jumpy visit an empty local castle. They weren't sure what they'd see but were excited to go. Oliver meets the resident ghost and then the real fun begins.
What wonderful stories this book has. It's perfect for reading anywhere. Because the stories are short, it's a terrific bedtime book as well. The characters are simply full of fun and the writing is solid. This series of books is one you'll want for your child's library. Each story teaches a lesson too. They are so easy to understand and read your child will love them.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because I like a book with a lesson.
Jenny: Cancer Survivor by Paul M. Kramer
Jenny is the fifth grade now. When she was nine, she was told she was very sick. The doctor explained it was cancer. Jenny spent some time at the hospital. She shared a room with another girl. While there, Jenny was visited by two angels. They told her she'd be just fine. Jenny and her new friend kept very positive about the cancer leaving them both. They couldn't wait to run and play again.
Mr. Kramer gives us, as parents, a way to discuss cancer with younger children. The book makes the whole cancer thing seem minor to these two girls. Well written and with such lovable characters, you can't miss with this one. This one also teaches a lesson, which I love. Your children will enjoy this book. Get one today.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because the lesson is a valuable one.
Deadly Impressions by Art Johnson
Billionaire Ezekiel Fick is extremely worried. His pride and joy, his granddaughter, Stephanie has been kidnapped. He'll do whatever it takes to get her back. Using his contacts among the elite of the United States, Zeke demands action from everyone! To the LAPD and private investigator Arnold Blackburn, this seems like an ordinary kidnapping. They all seem to follow the same game plan. This one, however, stops being ordinary when no demands are sent to Zeke. Everyone is contacting their sources to try to find Stephanie. Will it be enough help?
This book surprised me. I felt it was going to be another simple mystery. WOW was I ever wrong. Mr. Johnson leads you subtly and carefully down a path of twists and turns. The intrigue and suspense is off the charts. While reading this book, I was certain I knew who dun-nit only to be proven wrong over and over. The writing style is terrific. The characters well defined and easy to understand. I also loved the history tie-in. This book is an easy read and perfect to curl up with. I know you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because of the twisted ending it has.
This book surprised me. I felt it was going to be another simple mystery. WOW was I ever wrong. Mr. Johnson leads you subtly and carefully down a path of twists and turns. The intrigue and suspense is off the charts. While reading this book, I was certain I knew who dun-nit only to be proven wrong over and over. The writing style is terrific. The characters well defined and easy to understand. I also loved the history tie-in. This book is an easy read and perfect to curl up with. I know you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because of the twisted ending it has.
Friday, November 6, 2015
All In (Soul Seductors #1) By Amelia Gates
Hawke, Payne, Kraze and Maria Maria are looking for their friend. He's more of a brother than a friend. They are worried about what he's doing and where he's at. Zorn has managed to stay under the radar. Hawke just wants to find Zorn before he does something really stupid. On his way to a meeting about Zorn, Hawke meets Lorelei. To him, she's perfect. He's not sure about the feelings Lorelei brings out in him but he does know one thing, he'll NEVER hurt her. Lorelei is just trying to stay alive. Hawke is cute and all but Lorelei is on a mission. She'll have to avoid Hawke to complete this mission. Someone else has other ideas.
A unique, highly dysfunctional family-of-sorts, is cracking at the seams. The characters are well defined and have fierce personalities. Larger than life and unafraid to do their job. The writing is amazing! Ms Gates has a wonderful gift for storytelling. She grips you with a gritty, hard and raw writing style. This is one of those in-your-face- books. You don't dare stop reading until it's completed. I felt the heat, blood and energy on every page.You get the feeling something explosive will happen if you look away from the book. Ms. Gates is, in my opinion, up there with the biggest author names in the business. I applaud her fantastic efforts with this book! PLEASE, you have to get a copy for your TBR pile. You'll kick yourself if you don't get one.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this book blew me away!
A unique, highly dysfunctional family-of-sorts, is cracking at the seams. The characters are well defined and have fierce personalities. Larger than life and unafraid to do their job. The writing is amazing! Ms Gates has a wonderful gift for storytelling. She grips you with a gritty, hard and raw writing style. This is one of those in-your-face- books. You don't dare stop reading until it's completed. I felt the heat, blood and energy on every page.You get the feeling something explosive will happen if you look away from the book. Ms. Gates is, in my opinion, up there with the biggest author names in the business. I applaud her fantastic efforts with this book! PLEASE, you have to get a copy for your TBR pile. You'll kick yourself if you don't get one.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this book blew me away!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Poetry by Author Paul M. Kramer
Reunite with peace and tranquility
Harbor not anger or resentment
Joy and happiness will be once more
Bringing with it much contentment
Compassion comes from the heart
Forgive the unable and the unwilling
Absolve yourself from sins of your past
Your life will become more fulfilling
Let go of hurt and of negativity
Tension and stress will fade away
It doesn’t matter who’s to blame
Suffer not another day
Forgiveness breaks down the wall of separation
It cleanses your very soul
It keeps you from needing to be right
It heals you and makes you whole
Paul M Kramer
Show me the way to enlightenment
Protect me from my evil ways
Forgive me for my prior sins
Eliminate my need for self-praise
Strengthen my faith in you
Release me from guilt I possess
Help me to become a better person
Lessen the amount of my stress
Keep me free from disease
Prepare me to embrace tomorrow
Fill me with love and wisdom
Minimize my grief and sorrow
Paul M Kramer
You are free to be who you want to be
You are free to do what you want to do
Free will allows you to choose
The only person to stop you is you
You can change your thoughts and your actions
God’s advice for the asking is there
You are free to make new decisions
You can rise from poverty and despair
You can dream without limitations
Possibilities are endless as to what you can do
You have the freedom to chart your own destiny
The only person to stop you is you
Paul M. Kramer
Food is fuel for the body
Memories are the fuel for the blind
Hope is fuel for the needy
Knowledge is the fuel for the mind
Faith is the fuel for trust
Lack of trust is the fuel for fear
The heart is fueled by love
Enlightenment is fueled by prayer
Paul M Kramer
Help me to listen
I will grow to be wise
Help me to know right from wrong
I will walk a straight line
Help me to be less vain
I will have more humility
Help me to reduce my anger
I will have less hostility
Help me to be compassionate
I will be kind hearted
Help me to be courageous
I will be less afraid
Help me to forgive
No grudges will I hold
Help me to learn to trust
I won’t need to be in control
Help me to be nonjudgmental
I will love unconditionally
Help me to live in the present
I will not dwell in the past
Help me to find faith
I shall never be alone
Paul M Kramer
A message of the positive
A creation by design
Lifting up our spirits
Turning gray into sunshine
A circle of mystical wonder
The lower half out of sight
Majestic colors proudly displayed
Drops of rain amidst the sunlight
Produced and directed from above
Putting a smile upon your face
A magical scene from nature
Brought to us with God’s grace
Paul M Kramer
Being in sync
Asleep or awake
Always actively working
Every breath that we take
The rhythm of life
Unfolding before our eyes
The rotation of the earth
The morning sunrise
Understanding and clarity
All through the day
Continuously developing
In the right way
All working in harmony
Balance and accord
Divine Order
Compliments of the lord
Paul M. Kramer
CHECK THIS OUT>> Special Promotion from Author Lisa Orchard!
A Boxed Set of the Starlight Chronicles for only 99 cents!
Lark comes from a single parent home. She's never known her father because her mother won't talk about him. Mostly, Lark shrugs her shoulder at it all and depends on her music to carry her away. Lark is a good student and fantastic at the guitar. Her guitar is her life. Of course she has friends, but very few. Now that she's a senior in high school, she wants to know about her father. If only she can get her mother to open up about him. Lark's life is changing and she's decided her father should be part of it all.
I felt I knew Lark when I began reading this book. She reminded me of a couple of kids I went to school with. The writing is outstanding and all the characters fit right in. I felt each of Lark's emotions. It was so easy to get wrapped up in this book. This one is an easy read and those who enjoy the YA genre, this is perfect for you. I highly recommend Ms Orchard's book.
I only found on thing that bothered me just a tad. I didn't like the cliffhanger ending. *grin*
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this one tugs the heart strings.
I felt I knew Lark when I began reading this book. She reminded me of a couple of kids I went to school with. The writing is outstanding and all the characters fit right in. I felt each of Lark's emotions. It was so easy to get wrapped up in this book. This one is an easy read and those who enjoy the YA genre, this is perfect for you. I highly recommend Ms Orchard's book.
I only found on thing that bothered me just a tad. I didn't like the cliffhanger ending. *grin*
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because this one tugs the heart strings.
Book Two
Lark Singer is seventeen years old and already on the way to a brilliant music career. As she and her band, Starlight, gear-up for an upcoming, life-changing band competition, though, life seems to be throwing her a few curve balls. The mysteries of her past seem to be unraveling, and she’s no longer certain she wants to know those answers, or how knowing about her past will affect her difficult relationship with her mother. And when her best friend, Bean, changes things between them, all her plans for a musical future are placed in jeopardy. How can she balance her unraveling personal life to keep her musical goals on track?
Everything is on track for Seventeen-year-old Lark Singer and her band Starlight. They have a great shot at winning the competition that can launch their musical career. But when Lark discovers they will be competing against her old nemesis Duane McIntyre things really heat up. How far will Lark go to win, and what will it cost her in the end?
Author Lisa Orchard
Lisa Orchard grew up loving books. She was hooked on books by the fifth grade and even wrote a few of her own. She knew she wanted to be a writer even then. Her first published works are the “Super Spies Series.” These stories revolve around a group of friends who form their own detective squad and the cases they solve. “The Starlight Chronicles,” is the next series that Lisa created with musical misfit, Lark Singer as her main character.
Lisa resides in Michigan with her husband, Steve, and two wonderful boys. Currently, she’s working on the next book in the Starlight Chronicles Series along with a few new ideas that may turn into stand-alone novels. When she’s not writing she enjoys spending time with her family, running, hiking, and reading.
Get your boxed set today!!
To Reach Lisa Orchard:
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Lisa-Orchard/e/B007KA8O3I/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1446699843&sr=1-2-ent
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