
I review all genres and I post them in 30 spots. Check out previous posts and I'm sure you'll find several books to catch your interest. I am a published reviewer and an award winning one. I am one of the best reviewers around. CELEBRATING 14 YEARS OF BOOK REVIEWS!!

Monday, August 29, 2016

TRUMPED! Beyond Politically Correct: What You Would Say if You Had the Guts by Peter Davidson

     Have you ever had to bite your tongue to keep from being honest with others? Are you a fan of Trump and his outspoken ways? This book takes you through some situations we've all been in and gives two scenarios. One is the politically correct answer and the other answer is if you could say what's on your mind.

     With some humor, Mr. Davidson attempts to show the reader both sides of the same coin. He wonders if we've all gone soft over the years. Well written and a very easy read, this book will make you consider both sides. You might have even dealt with some of these situations. I enjoyed the book. There is however, a fine line between honesty and just being cantankerous and cruel. See what you think when you read it. I found most of the people I deal with and have dealt with, are honest with me. It's something I admire in others. As for myself, I'm honest as well. Sugar coating or coloring the truth isn't how I live.

     I did find two issues. One, the word trumped is a polarizing one. Beyond Politically Correct is enough. Second, Mr. Davidson over simplifies many of the situations. 

     I gave this book 4 cheers out of 5 for the issues above.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon #1) by Stacy Claflin

     This is supposed to one of the best years of Victoria's life. College! She was so excited and she rooms with great people. Why is it then she feels so unsure? She can't seem to remember  where she came from.  Why can't she remember? 
     Toby is beginning his new teaching gig. He enjoys numbers. Math, statistics and such. What he'd really like to be doing is looking for his soulmate. His one true love. He's not sure where to start.

     Well written and wonderful characters, this book is one I like. The pacing is fairly swift. You just want to keep reading to see what happens next. This book is not something I normally would read. It won me over quickly though. I can't wait to read more by this author. The story is unique and fun. Step out of your comfort zone and read this book. 

     I found no issues.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's a terrific read.

In My Arms Tonight by Sasha Clinton

     Kat is a political reporter for a big New York paper. She loves her job. Kat has never let anyone dissuade from writing the truth. She also has some very definite ideas about dating, marriage and children. When her boss sends her to cover a local event, Kat attends but isn't convinced the candidate is good for New York.  She has no idea just how much that one event will change her life.

     This story is perfect for this time of year. I enjoyed the writing and the characters very much. I can actually picture the story happening in reality. Ms. Clinton is a gifted story teller and she knows how  to build characters you will want to learn more about. This is one for the TBR pile. The strong female lead character is definitely a work of art.  I recommend you get this one today.

     I did find issues. The first chapter or so is unnecessary. All the information contained in it can be given after the story begins. I also felt the epilogue could have been shorter.

     I gave this book 4 cheers out of 5 because it's a stay-in-your-seat-until-you-finish kinda book.  

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Oliver and Jumpy, Stories 49-51 (Oliver and Jumpy, the Cat Series, Book 17): by Werner Stejskal

     Once again Oliver and Jumpy are having wonderful adventures. Let's join in the fun. There are three stories in each book. This one has 49- Ice. Snow and ice are all around and Oliver and his friends go ice skating. Joey has never skated before and Oliver is going to teach him. Story 50- Mice Chase. It's unusual but Oliver is allergic to mice. He still chases them but for exercise not food. His friend Mausi asks him to teach his children. What could happen? Story 51- Dragon Heat. We are at Ghost Castle again. Oliver and Jumpy choose a door to walk through for their adventure. When it opens, everything is burned. They meet an ant who tells them what happened.

     Such fun stories for nap time or bed time. Well written and characters you'd want to hang out with. Your child will really enjoy Oliver and Jumpy's adventures. Every one who has littles in their life should have these books. Perfect for those times when you are trying to keep your child settled down. The illustrations will entice the child's imagination. Get these books. You will love them.

      I didn't find issues.

      I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because I really enjoy Oliver and Jumpy.

If You Were Me and Lived In...the American West by Carole P. Roman

     The year is 1843 and people are leaving the east to start fresh in the west. Wagon trains were a safer way to travel that distance and have someone who knew what to expect. It was hot, dry and even muddy at times. Along the way you'd meet some people. Some were Indians and others were people traveling alone. Let's go!

    The pacing of this book is fantastic. It gives you a chance to talk to your children about what you're reading. It's written in language your child will understand right away. Well written and characters your children will love. Once again, this book is perfect for home schooling. It gives a very vivid photo of how life was back then. You need these books in your child's library. They  will want to read them again and again. Each time they'll learn something new.

    I found no issues.

    I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it really hits the mark with information.

If You Were Me and Lived In...the Middle Ages by Carole P. Roman

     Nine hundred years ago, there was a time period called the Middle Ages. It began in England. People from other countries came to live there. Kings had power. They made the laws and ruled their people. During this time, knights, battles and castles were part of every day. Everyone had a job to do and it meant working together.

     I can't tell you enough about this book and series. Ms. Roman really went above and beyond here. It's informative, educational and such fun to read. Well written and characters that will make you smile are huge in this book.  Your child will love learning more about our past. Perfect for home schooled children.   It's so easy to understand, kids will want to hear it again and again.

     I found no issues.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because even my high school aged children found it interesting.

Seed of Hope by Fiona Tarr

     Martinez is enjoying his retirement. It's short lived though when he receives a message from King David. King David orders Martinez to return to his side. Although Martinez isn't looking forward to being in service again, he heads to the palace. There is something in the air. Something that doesn't seem right. Everyone is keeping their eyes open for whatever is headed their way.

     This powerful story will touch you in the deepest part of your soul. It will remain with you long after you finish the book. Well written, intelligent and characters that are larger than life makes this book one to read. It captivates with all the ingredients of a best seller.  You will be talking about this one. Get your copy now.

     I did find one issue. There seem to be so many story lines it can get confusing. Would like to see this issue smoothed out.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's epic.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

If You Were Me and Lived in...Ancient China: The Han Dynasty by Carole P. Roman

    Are you ready for a new adventure? Let's travel back in time. We can start with Ancient China. It means we'll have to travel a long way back in time. We can compare China then and now. We'd be visiting during the Han Dynasty. During this time, many offices were created that we use today. There is so much to learn here.

    I am a huge fan of this newest series. It gives older children a chance to learn about places in the past. As always, Ms. Roman tells such a wonderful tale. It gets children excited about learning.  This is another to add to your child's growing library. You'll probably learn a thing or two as well.

    I found no issues.

    I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's so fascinating.

If You Were Me and Lived In...Brazil by Carole P. Roman

     Let's take a new trip. This time to Brazil. Did you know they speak Portuguese? Brazil is the capital of South America. The president of the country lives there. We can visit the Amazon Rain Forest. We'll see fish, birds, monkey's and parrots. One of the biggest events in Brazil is Carnival. Everyone dresses up and has fun.

    This series of books is one you need in your child's library. They will learn so much by reading  these books. It's fantastic to see books that will teach as well as entertain. They are well written and informative for children of any age. You will never go wrong with this book.

     I found no issues.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because they are fantastic.

Product Review- Dr. Cool Ice Therapy Wrap and Dr. Cool Chill Sport Cooling Towel by OmniiDeals

     Dr. Cool Ice Therapy Wrap

I love this product! It really delivers the help it claims to. It's so easy to use this product. You wet it and put it in the freezer for twenty  minutes. It comes with this cool little bag to keep it cold. It's perfect for the parents of kids in sports. You can have this ice pack right there and since it has Velcro closures it will stay in place easily. You will never find a product like this that works so well. This is washable too. There are different sizes so you can ice down wherever you need to.  

  I give this product 5 cheers out of 5 because it's truly an amazing product.

Dr. Cool Chill Sport Cooling Towel

Do you get overheated on summer days? I do and I thought this product might be the answer. I was skeptical about it when I saw it. After I received it, I wet it and placed it around my neck. It cooled me off right away. It was amazing to be out in ninety degree heat yet feel so cool. It really does keep you about thirty degrees cooler. I was sold after the third or fourth time using this. I love that this towel is reusable and washable.  I can't wait to try more products from this company.

I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's perfect for inside or outside. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Rarity from the Hollow by Robert Eggleton

 Lacey Dawn's life isn't all that great. Her parents are self-centered and abusive. The hollow where they live is far enough out in the country to be private. Neighbors work their illegal businesses and Lacey Dawn is stuck all alone. Can she change things with the help of a special friend? Only time will tell.
I'm not sure what to say about this book. The base story of Lacey Dawn's life is good. The other stuff doesn't make sense. It seems to ramble on and go nowhere. It's not one I'd recommend. 

     I did find issues. Half of the story is just random things thrown together. It really doesn't tell a story. *UPDATE*
After rereading this book I find in the newest edition, the issues have been fixed. The book reads more smoothly and comes together in a better way. In light of this, I've changed my rating.

     I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5.

About the Author: I recently retired after 52 years of contributions into the U.S. Social Security fund so that I could write and promote my fiction. I’m a former mental health psychotherapist in West Virginia . But, after coming home drained from working with child abuse victims, I didn't have the energy left to begin its self-promotion. Author proceeds have been donated to a child abuse prevention program in my home state.http://www.childhswv.org/ A listing of services that are supported can be found here:http://mountainrhinestones.blogspot.com/2015/06/review-giveaway-rarity-from-hollow-by.html.  

The Press: Dog Horn Publishing is a traditional small press located in Leeds . Adam Lowe is the owner. http://www.doghornpublishing.com/wordpress/books/rarity-from-the-hollow The press also showcases other semi avant garde titles and publishes a popular magazine for the GLBTQ community (Vada).  

Lacy Dawn's father relives the Gulf War, her mother's teeth are rotting out, and her best friend is murdered by the meanest daddy on Earth. Life in the hollow is hard. She has one advantage -- an android was inserted into her life and is working with her to cure her parents. But, he wants something in exchange. It's up to her to save the Universe. Lacy Dawn doesn't mind saving the universe, but her family and friends come first.

About the Author: I recently retired after 52 years of contributions into the U.S. Social Security fund so that I could write and promote my fiction. I’m a former mental health psychotherapist in West Virginia . But, after coming home drained from working with child abuse victims, I didn't have the energy left to begin its self-promotion. Author proceeds have been donated to a child abuse prevention program in my home state.http://www.childhswv.org/ A listing of services that are supported can be found here:http://mountainrhinestones.blogspot.com/2015/06/review-giveaway-rarity-from-hollow-by.html.  

The Press: Dog Horn Publishing is a traditional small press located in Leeds . Adam Lowe is the owner. http://www.doghornpublishing.com/wordpress/books/rarity-from-the-hollow The press also showcases other semi avant garde titles and publishes a popular magazine for the GLBTQ community (Vada).  

Purchase links:

Public Author Contacts:

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Wantin (Wantin #1) by Truth Devour

     Talia was a world traveler at age six. Her parents work took them to remote places. It's in one of these places, they die. Talia is sad but she has the woman who watched over her. Before she knows it, an aunt and uncle come to take her to live with them. Her life will change forever and not always for the better.

     My favorite part of this book is Talia. She remains true to her own beliefs and rules. Talia is a powerful woman. This story takes chances and it's exciting. The story is well written and the characters complex. You will embrace Talia right away. There are a couple areas some people may object to, but keep reading. You'll see it's not as "bad" as you thought. I can't wait to read more by this author.

     I didn't find any issues.

     I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5 because of the one area some may object to.

LAMOK (The Mia DeWinter Volumes Book 1) by Ben Brown

     There is something evil coming. You can feel just how evil. It's ancient and it's unknown. Mia has very special talents. Her father has the same talents. Mia's world turns upside down when she witnesses her father's death. The evil is coming Mia's way. Can it be stopped?

     This book entices you from page one. The story keeps you engaged with a wonderful plot and characters you want to know more about. I feel this book is definitely movie worthy.  Mr. Brown layers his stories in an awesome way. While sharing information, he also keeps you on the edge of your seat.  Mr. Brown doesn't disappoint. 

     I found only one issue. Chapter fourteen seems to reiterate major parts of the story. This causes the story to slow down at a point when it should be moving fast.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it would be a perfect box office hit.

Legacy (Andalucían Nights #3) by Hannah Fielding

     Luna's boss wants her to investigate a clinic and its founder. The clinic is in Spain. While Luna is excited about the assignment, she isn't sure if she's ready to see her Spanish relatives. Only time will tell just how welcoming they will be.  Ruy is an exceptional doctor. He's even unconventional. When he spies Luna, he is intrigued.

     In the vein of 'Gone With The Wind', this particular book is just as epic and timeless. Written with lively detail, you are IN Spain. You are engulfed in the sights, sounds and smells of this beautiful country. Ms. Fielding's books start with breathtaking cover art. You are then swept along as the story unfolds. Great characters who are very well defined and a plot with just enough twists to keep it moving along is what you'll find. Start with book one and each one gets better and better. I applaud Ms. Fielding's story telling skills. 

     I didn't find any issues.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's really set to be a classic.

The Dog at the Door: Supernatural Witch Cozy Mystery (Lainswich Witches Book 5) by Raven Snow

     Newlyweds Rowen and Eric are finally moving into their own home. It wasn't far from the Greensmiths but it was all theirs. Rowen loved the energy inside and around the house. Their first night in the house, Rowen believes the house has secrets and she wants to know all of them.

     This book really shares just how bad it can be when your family wants to do more than they should for you. I love the characters and the simple plot. It's an easy read filled with love, humor and the supernatural. The writing is first rate. This book is one to share with your friends.  I recommend you start with book one in this series and work right through them. While they are stand alone books, it makes for better understanding of the characters when you start with one.

     I did find an issue. It felt like the ending was too abrupt. You have all this wonderful story and the conclusion is like running into a wall. Should have begun sooner trying to tie up the ending.

     I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5 because of the ending issue. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hannah Fielding's LEGACY Launch Party August 1- 21, 2016 Designer Bag Giveaway!!

A troubled young journalist finds her loyalties tested when love and desire unearth dark secrets from the past.
Spring, 2010. When Luna Ward, a science journalist from New York, travels halfway across the world to work undercover at an alternative health clinic in Cadiz, her ordered life is thrown into turmoil.
The doctor she is to investigate, the controversial Rodrigo Rueda de Calderon, is not what she expected. With his wild gypsy looks and devilish sense of humour, he is intent upon drawing her to him. But how can she surrender to a passion that threatens all reason; and how could he ever learn to trust her when he discovers her true identity? Then Luna finds that Ruy is carrying a corrosive secret of his own…
Luna’s native Spanish blood begins to fire in this land of exotic legends, flamboyant gypsies and seductive flamenco guitars, as dazzling Cadiz weaves its own magic on her heart. Can Luna and Ruy’s love survive their families’ legacy of feuding and tragedy, and rise like the phoenix from the ashes of the past?
Legacy is a story of truth, dreams and desire. But in a world of secrets you need to be careful what you wish for…

Designer Bag Giveaway!!
To celebrate the release of Legacy, I’m giving away a summer bag by one of my favourite designers, Karl Lagerfeld. Entry is open to all via Rafflecopter. Good luck!
           ENTER AT; http://hannahfielding.net/legacy-launch-party/


When I was a child, my governess told me fairy stories. These tales, full of superstition and magic, were my first inspiration, and the warmth and colour they still evoke greatly influence my writing. They were also the experience through which I learned to become a storyteller, as my governess and I had an agreement – whenever she told me a story, I would have to tell her one in return.
As a novelist, I am obsessed by vivid colours, lush landscapes and tales of exotic customs in far-off lands. I can trace much of this back to a dear and long-departed friend of my family Mr Chiumbo Wangai, who fascinated me as a teenager with stories of the witch-doctors and magical ceremonies in his native Kenya. When I visited the country myself, I soon fell in love with its beautiful countryside and unforgettable sunsets.
Though I have been telling stories since I was a child, it was only after my children had grown up and my husband and I had turned our family business into a success that I felt I could devote myself to writing full time. After I dug out the various ideas and sketches I had jotted down over the years, I realised how profoundly my travels throughout Europe, the Mediterranean and particularly Africa had burned themselves into my memory. I felt driven to turn them into a novel. 
The mystery, magic, heat and passion of Kenya’s landscapes inspired me to use them as the setting for my first novel. Burning Embers, a passionate love story set against the backdrop of the country in 1970. My later travels through Europe provided rich fodder for more stories, including my novels The Echoes of Love, set in Venice and Tuscany, Italy; and Indiscretion and Masquerade, set in the smouldering heat of Andalucía, Spain.

Psychotic Remodeling by Rick MacKay

     Are you thinking of remodeling your home? Do you have lots of experience with remodeling your home? Either way, this book is for you. We've all known someone or experienced the headaches of remodeling. The problem is, we see it through the customer stand point. This book will show you  from the construction company or remodeling company's point of view. Believe me, there are many things we as customers don't consider when beginning this challenge. You will after you read this book.

     Well written with humor and yet seriousness, this book will open your eyes. It's written in a way you will understand exactly what the author is writing about. I haven't had a home to remodel but I've viewed my older sisters nightmares. Some caused by her, some caused by the re-modelers. Mr. MacKay gives us five points to follow and I believe each one is important. After reading this book and if you follow the five major points, you should have a happy and successful remodel.  I found this book to be a big help with setting up a plan. Those who seek to remodel should read this first. I believe in it that strongly.

     I didn't find issues.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's a how-not-to-book all homeowners need.

Hacked Again by Scott N. Schober

     Anyone can be hacked. ANYONE! Banks aren't in a hurry to fix it either. They aren't really concerned about one particular account. You have to stay vigilant. It's your responsibility to keep an eye on your accounts. The scariest part for "normal" folks is that even experts can be  hacked. Yes, the people who study this and are in the know can have their accounts messed up. You have to remember. Hackers get their information from you. Easy passwords are a start. Be creative with your passwords. If necessary, write them in a little book and keep it with you. It sure beats the alternative. The author says  consumers are too lazy or can't justify the expense of a new computer but it can be an investment in safety.

     I must confess to being one of the "lazy". Not because I can't justify the expense, I just can't afford it. I am not as vigilant as I should be with passwords either. This book made me realize just how important it is in today's world. You must be accountable. The writing is superb. It's mostly written in language you can understand, not geek-ese. *grin* I had no problem understanding and learning from Mr. Schober. It's an important issue and by showing that his company was a "victim", I really paid attention to what was said. I'd never heard a big company admit problems like this. Not until the news media pointed it out. You will learn to embrace the advice of this author and want to learn more. I was suitably impressed by Mr. Schober's honesty. We all need this book. Not just big companies or the rich and famous. We all do. Anyone who has a computer where they store important information needs this book. I know at first you will fuss. Don't. Just get a copy and read it over and over until you know what you need to do. I can't wait to read more of Mr. Schober's advice.

     I didn't find any issues.

     I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's one to be kept in every household and read over and over.