Monday, October 23, 2023
Important News
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Khizara: Book 1 in the Tokorel Series by Drew Bankston
Linsora wasn't sure if she'd ever get out of prison. Standing up for her principles is how she ended up here. Just as Linsora is working on a plan to get out but before she puts it into place, Permac has already set things up for her to be busted out of prison. The people who help her escape were paid handsomely to bring her to Permac's apartment.
What an amazing world Mr. Bankston has created. He writes in great detail. If you close your eyes, you can almost see the planets. I wasn't sure I'd like this book, it seemed to be over my head at first glance. I started reading and became so engrossed in the story I lost track of time. Mr. Bankston's writing gently tugs you along. He has given us a romance, a war and an archeologists dig. You must read this book.
I found no issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because the world in this book is so refreshing.
Gamble of Hearts by Virginia Barlow
March 1812 in London is a dark time. Lady Amora Hargrove finds out just how twisted her brother is. She was trying to stay out of his way. His temper was explosive. Since their father died, her brother was the new Earl of Hargrove. He made Lady Amora's life a nightmare. He spent his time gambling or chasing women. Who was going to save her from this mess?
The beginning of this book is very original. I don't think I've ever read a book where the brother is showing his true self so openly. I found it does have some heartbreaking places throughout. Ms. Barlow brings with her a strong will to make this book come alive. The characters are detailed and allow us to see the good and the bad. Amora's brother even shows his black heart. The pace of the book is very smooth. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I found no issues here.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because the subject matter can be botched but Ms. Barlow handled it very well.
To Sketch a Killer by Caryl Janis
Set in the 1970's, we get to meet many of the people who live and work on this street. I found the story so wonderful. The writing is stupendous! Ms. Janis sets out the characters almost like a lineup. I felt like I was in the moment with this one. I could seemingly hear the noises of offices and such. This is another one for October. The book will escort you through the areas Sarah examines.
I found no issues here.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5.
The Eidola Project Robert Herold
This story is perfect for October. Mr. Herold does an amazing job of telling every characters individual story. He weaves the plot in such a way that will make you wonder if you missed some details. There is a little of everything in this book. Psychics, ghost hunters and investigators all have a place in the story. I was enthralled with this book. Can't wait to see what's next for Mr. Herold.
I did find one issues, well it's more like a suggestion. I think Nigel's story should have been explained a bit earlier.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's a wee bit spooky.
Cruel Lessons by Randy Overbeck
Mr. Overbeck topped himself with this book. Well written with three dimensional characters you'll recognize. Cruel Lessons is intriguing and heartbreaking. It's a story taken straight from society today. I enjoy the slowing building of the story because just when you think you've got it all worked out, another piece drops in your lap. You chose get this one for your TBR pile.
I didn't find any issues.
I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because when Mr. Overbeck writes, it's as though he know intimate details of the readers life.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Hello Friends and Followers,
I just wanted to let everyone know what's happening. I am still having issues with my sight. This time it's something new plus the old issues. I'd give you the names of the issues if I could remember them. I'm reading when I can and I post as I'm able. Some off you know I've had trouble with Amazon and Mr. Jeff Bezos. He's trying to make me pay $50 before I post any reviews. It's illegal to make people pay to post reviews. My lawyer is the one who let me in on that. So I am doing my best to get Mr. Bezos to take that off my account so I can post my reviews. I do have about 50 reviews to post but remember I post them in 30 places and that takes time.
I am doing my best to keep things going. Talk to you soon!