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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Will We Ever Learn??

 Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of
a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed.

Read this carefully. It is speaking of keeping a Militia ready to fight any enemy. It does not say every American should have 1-12 guns in their possession. It does not say any American may open fire whenever they choose. Many read this to suit their own need. The forefathers just wanted America safe from anyone trying to take it over. It was written in a time when there wasn't an organized military. The fighting group was made up of farmers etc.
America has a common enemy, gun owners. Take a look at the mass shootings in America. These people have been proven incapable of having a gun. Had someone let the police know these people owned a gun but didn't need to, we may have prevented the shootings. These people didn't own a gun for hunting. They didn't own the gun for protecting their home. The laws we want to impose will go a long way to protect Americans. Don't you want a safe America? Don't you want your kids and grandkids safe in school? It's time to stop manipulating the Bill of Rights to suit yourself. I'm sure if our forefathers were here today, they'd confiscate every gun but the military and police guns.

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